Yog-Hastur Mill Deck

By Yipe, in Call of Cthulhu Deck Construction

This is my first attempt at a mill deck. I've been playing it for the past month or so and it's been doing well (I would rate it in the top 3 of my 10 decks), however, there are a few cards I'm not 100% pleased with and I'd like to swap them out for something more effective. Any feedback on how to improve this deck would be welcome.

x3 Cannibal Ghast
x3 Faceless Abductor
x3 Intruder From Beyond
x3 Reclaimed Servant
x2 The Large Man
x3 Wraith
x3 Nightstalker
x3 Swooping Byakhee
x3 Conspiracy Theorist
x3 Those Without Faces

x3 Curse of the Stone
x3 Infected by Madness
x3 Scotophobia

x2 Prism of Many Views
x2 Guardian Beast
x2 Victoria's Loft
x3 Things in the Ground
x3 Terrors in the Dark

Total 50 (22 Yog, 19 Hastur, 9 Neutral)

Most of the characters are there to stall my opponent (such as Cannibal Ghast, Faceless Abductor, Conspiracy Theorist and the Guardian Beast support card), as well as help me win the terror struggle to discard additional cards. The big discard combos come from Things in the Ground + Victoria's Loft + Infected by Madness, as well as The Large Man and Conspiracy Theorist, though Scotophobia + Nightstalker + Guardian Beast + Those Without Faces can also work well.

The cards I'm not happy with are Wraith and Swooping Byhakee, and I'm on the fence about Prism of Many Views, but I'm not sure what to put in their place. Ideally I'd like a 2-cost Hastur character with terror or some ability that helps me either A) discard more cards or B) drive characters insane. I'm using Victoria Glasser and Dangerous Lunatic in another deck, so unfortunately they aren't an option.

I've been looking at Deranged Sailor (though he costs 3 and doesn't have terror), but I'm not sure I can expect to succeed at many stories. In fact, I generally don't try to win them, preferring to block with everything I've got. I've also looked at Messenger From Beyond to help me win the terror struggle. And while I don't own Painful Reflections yet, I think 3 copies would fit in well with my deck. Any ideas on what I should drop?

Instead of the Prism, I've thought about taking the Scalpel?

I'm also looking for ways to bring event cards back into my hand from the discard pile.

Thanks for taking the time to read this and for any help, it's much appreciated.