spalanzani said:
Has anyone else ever stepped back and taken a look at just how immersed in the past Star Wars fans tend to be? Everything was always so much better way back when, and whatever is out now, or upcoming, is always never going to be as good as what was once, way back when. I suppose the ultimate expression of all this is how the Classic Trilogy is much, much better than the Prequel Trilogy, and as such the Prequels should all be burned in the fires of hell, or whatever it is... (I was almost going to say "Mustafar" then, but that would just be too ironic)....
You have some great points in there. I guess I would only respond by saying that if something was perfect to start with, then sometimes the new is far inferior to what came before. In reference to the films themselves, the reason that IV-VI are superior is because with Star Wars (1977), Lucas was a hungry young filmmaker who cared about the story because he didn't have the effects to do what he envisioned, and the screenplays for V and VI were written by Lawrence Kasdan and neither was directed by George Lucas. Also, the producer, Gary Kurtz, was known to disagree with George Lucas and point out when things weren't quite great, yet. He quite halfway through the production of Return of the Jedi, and was replaced by, THE-BIGGEST-YES-MAN-TO-EVER-HAVE-LIVED, Rick McCallum. Just look at the behind the scenes documentaries to the prequels. You can see it on people's faces that they think George's ideas are ridiculous, but they don't say anything.
In regards to the Card Game, Decipher's version of Star Wars was so brilliantly conceived that when WotC came out with theirs it was a big "Seriously? This is the Card Game?" It was abysmal. Now, I am looking forward to FFGs LCG version very much (as I'm sure everyone else here is). It looks like it will be a lot of fun. I think that people are talking about the Decipher one simply because we're bored and nostalgic because we have no NEW news on the upcoming game.