Succesful Conversions

By player1197498, in Dark Heresy House Rules

I sat down and discussed this with my players. We considered using Archetypes as strong recommendations for what to purchase, but not generally as requirements. This is in order to allow some flexibility. Archetypes will have a cost equal to what the component Skills and Talents would cost - there is no discount, archetypes will exist only as a convenience (convenient once someone takes the time to put them together). Archetypes can exist for Home World, Career, Career Specialty, and pretty much anything else since they are not built to give mechanical advantage.

Characteristic Advances will cost 250 xp/500 xp/750 xp/1,000 xp. Skill Advances will cost 100 xp/250 xp/500 xp/750 xp. Talent Advances will cost 250 xp/500 xp/750 xp. This makes Skill Advances somewhat cheaper than Black Crusade suggests, and this is a desired change by our group. We have placed starting characters for a Dark Heresy-style game at 3,000 xp to spend.

Sorry for the delay, been distracted by shiny objects in other forums here :)

I mostly included the careers and origins as a way of tying them into the alternate and elite careers, which I think to some extent made DH a more colourful and interesting game than it would have otherwise been. Bearing in mind, the rules I've penned down here are very thin and rely on owning the books pertinent to the games if you want the fluff descriptions, plus they're adaptable to any house-rules you might have in mind for integrating other 40K game systems into them. (if you don't like it, change it)

On other projects, I'm about 90% done on my Titan Legions game using this system slightly modified… which should be interesting as I hope to combine the more fun aspects of Mechwarrior (which probably becomes slightly more 'interesting' once tanks and artillery are pointed in your direction), with some out of the cockpit adventuring in the 40K universe and having an angry machine spirit melt your brains if you can't tame it. :)

Cheers for re-up MKX, much appreciated I´m going to look into it. HappyDaze, your ideas are also quite good, but I´m not sure about alternate career ranks, I dont want to give them up, but using them as Elite Advances would need some tweaking (example come to my mind, only through Mortiruge you could get Last Man Standing Talent and cheaper Stealth…)

For now it seems I will use Origin Chart (with backround packeges at place of Legacies), Archeotypes and Alt. Careers as some sort of Elite Advance, with later Transition Package and Ascended Archeotypes (but this is too far ahead).

I wonder what could be done with Cells. Not to use them Elite Advances but as some base for Contacts/Resources/Retainers/Minions purchase? Maybe with Cell Roles similiar to Ship Roles in RT?

And plus I´d love to use Demeanors in place of Fate Points… it would need some testing, I would like to cherry-pick best mechanics from each system but I would hate to end as a Dog and a Cat (if you know Karel Capek:P)

If you need to have alternate careers with exclusive (or nearly so) access to certain Talents, the option is to allow members of those groups to purchase the Talent at the listed tier (whatever you set it at) and to charge an additional 250 xp or 500 xp for characters outside of the group (effectively making it cost as though it were one or two tiers higher). It's pretty simple and still keeps maximum flexibility.

So, has anyone finished a DH to BC conversion?

Frankie said:

So, has anyone finished a DH to BC conversion?

Over in the Deathwatch House Rules, someone has put a lot of work into making a unified ruleset - at least for character creation. The idea to use the four humours in place of the Chaos Powers is (IMO) brilliant.

So… does anybody got Only War Beta? I´m strictly hardcover-collector so I´ll pass this one (but still I consider this brilliant idea, but better leave discussion about it for respective message board) and I wonder if there are any intresting DH-usable rules.

From the early buzz I guess that Specialities are quite similiar to BC archeotypes and it´s classless more or less and there is somthing called Aptidues (what one poster mentioned could be used as Alternate Ranks) … and Regiment Generator could be remade to Homeworld Generator.

Funny you should ask, OP, I've just uploaded my conversion work to the House Rules forum :D

TorogTarkdacil812 said:

From the early buzz I guess that Specialities are quite similiar to BC archeotypes and it´s classless more or less and there is somthing called Aptidues (what one poster mentioned could be used as Alternate Ranks) … and Regiment Generator could be remade to Homeworld Generator.

Which is pretty much what I did along with some player-picks for aptitudes.

Version 2 open system :

I found the aptitudes kind of cumbersome in their description and a lot of cross-ref through the PDF, so I've tabled them all up for ease of reference and character building. This is pretty much my last investment into the open system, don't have a lot of time to play/run it, cant seem to motivate my lazy as f**k group to give me feedback and work has got me doing almost exactly this kind of crap for our employees, (only sacked 3 this week, so it was a good week… not) so my time just got even less.

As for Only War, its a good system for basically being BC-rules for Imperials, I just dislike 'total war' kind of RPG's from a GM's personal preference where its fairly heavily military-centric, admittedly its much easier to live with than say DW.

Edit: Just noticed sendspace is a bit bloody obnoxious with the ads, so don't just randomly click the big buttons with DOWNLOAD all over them! Its the "Click here to start download from sendspace" blue link in the middle of the page.

If the link dies at any stage, just PM me and I'll re-up.