Dear FFG,
I live in Sweden, a country where miniature and table top gaming is and has been huge for many years. I would love to buy the Premium Edition version of any and all Dust Tactics figures you produce but can't: Your game in the Premium edition is not available within the EU. Are you aware of this? We are one of the worlds largest markets when it comes to tabletop games. How come you ignore the potential over here? Where exactly are your Premium Edition resellers within EU?! Would you mind informing me so I can throw my money on you?
Ordering from you guys or directly from Dust Studios means the minis will be shipped from US and/or China. In both cases the Euro customer will have to pay very high customs fees. Last time I ordered I had to cough up > 60 USD, just in customs. That is plenty of money lost right there. Those money could have been spent on buying minis instead, in which case both you, me and Dust Studio would become happier.
The problem with the customs becomes even bigger when you consider the fact that you are releasing new miniatures frequently, resulting in players having to get even more packages. It becomes more punishing to order Dust Tactics Premium from you guys due to that, compared with, say, a game that would only have 1-2 expansions in total.
The Premium Edition is an amazing product and the first of it's kind of that quality when it comes to the paint jobs. While the pricing is too steep for it to appeal to the masses (which the game isn't supposed to do anyway), I'd still argue that it is very strange that you decided to not pay more attention to the Euro players and offer them shipping from a country that is a member of the European Union.
As I am sure your/Dust Studios figures show, there are plenty of people that are prepared to hand out the extra cash for the pre-painted Premium version. For many the customs will however be a major turn off as it adds a huge extra cost - a cost that easily becomes on par with what it would cost them to buy a whole new tabletop game in their LGS.
Furthermore, Dust Tactics is pretty unknown in Europe, not to mention the Premium Edition of it. Where is your EU marketing? Is it even planned? Why do no stores in Sweden carry it? Clearly there is a problem here when you have the worlds greatest lookign pre-painted but it's not available anywhere in the above average European country seen to economy, customer buying power and tabletop culture.
When discussing this with some Swedish stores they replied that FFG doesn't give them good enough prices on the Premium Edition , that they are impossible to come by , and that the LGS would have to sell it 20 - 30% more expensive than can be seen on your own site if I were to order via them.
You have a great product, yet it is not available in all of Europe. At least not from within the EU that save people hundreds of "dollars". This all makes all the people I have shown the game to very reluctant to start playing it. (And no, none of us can paint nor are we interested in learning. We want the Premium.)