We played our first game tonight with two player rules, meaning we only had four rounds of tournaments, including the blood bowl. I'm clear on how to win match-ups, but couldn't dig up any clear explanation in the rule book about how the winner of the tournament is determined (including the blood bowl). After determining the match-up winners and payouts, are you meant to tally totals on each side from all highlights to determine the winner/loser? (including the cheating tokens towards each teams SP?). Thanks guys in advance!
Tournaments versus headlines
The tournament is treated like a normal highlight (with the exception that it is not limited to 2 players fighting over the win).
This means:
To win / participate at the Tournament you actually have to place units there (and a ball at the beginning on the tournament card.)
So for 2 players you always fight at 3 highlights.
the 2 drawn ones (plus the 2 you discard) AND the tournament
You also ignore the 2nd Place payout on Tournaments.
Thanks - that makes sense now!