Iron Discipline vs Manfred & Stand your ground

By Evilrevenant, in Warhammer Invasion Rules Questions

Hi all,

I have a question regarding Iron Discipline (Sorry if its a silly question). Can we Iron Discipline a unit in discard pile? Example when it is being targeted by Manfred in order to force your opponent spend extra 4 resource? Or When your opponent plays stand your ground targeting a unit that just entered his ko pile, can you iron discipline it to make him pay the extra 4 resource? Thanks guys!

Unless otherwise stated, a card can only target cards that are in play. So no.

I see. Thanks for the answer.

It's also worthy to mention that Church of Sigmar works against Mannfred and Seeking New Slaves.

Thanks for the info man, do church actually effects cards in your hand as well? Since it actually made oopponent pays more in order to target the units in discard pile. Eg: Will it makes opponent pays more if say he wanted to discard a card in your hand via Caught the Scent?

I don't think so, Caught the Scent discards a card, not a unit. It doesn't even target the unit.

I see, thanks for the reply. That pretty much clears our misunderstanding on the card effect.