The Special scenario rules and Basic game rules involving engineers laying smoke are somewhat at odds. The Basic game rules only allow an engineer to lay smoke in its own hex, while the special rules involving the HIDE AND SEEK scenario allow for smoke to be placed in adjacent hexes.
1) Question: In any case, since the actual cost of an engineer to lay smoke remains the same at 2 MPs, then how many smoke markers can American engineer squads in this scenario actually create during a given action phase: 2 markers in two different hexes (including its own)? or a maximum of 1 marker in any one hex (including its own)?
2) Question: Does the "4" value neutral objective marker ( i.e ., the hidden gun emplacement) generate command points for the Germans while they control it? or not? (I can't determine in this scenario if this neutral objective marker functions BOTH as a regular neutral objective marker as well as a game piece that represents the gun emplacement? or whether its serves ONLY as a game piece representing the gun emplacement?)