Anyone else getting antsy to learn more about the next league. It is February now, and I just want to get started! We haven't played Arkham in a few weeks and I think I'm starting to suffer withdrawals...
Can't Take the Waiting...
I'm still recovering from the last scenario...
Maybe we should play plain vanilla Arkham on wednesday instead of BSG. Just to calm the shakes before the next league starts up.
Argonel said:
Maybe we should play plain vanilla Arkham on wednesday instead of BSG. Just to calm the shakes before the next league starts up.
We decided to give ourselves a break and try out Black Goat of the Woods . Needless to say that, having finished the league, we promptly fell back into our usual "to hell with the rest, I want this..." syndrome (ie everybody out for himself) and we lost the game in the final battle. We had three investigators and we were up against Shub Niggurath (with the Herald) and it ended up with Harvey Walters (and a trusty shotgun) needing one hit with 1d6 to get the victory. It didn't happen and we were all devoured.
How the hell we thought this was going to be a good way to relax is beyond me
Argonel said:
Maybe we should play plain vanilla Arkham on wednesday instead of BSG. Just to calm the shakes before the next league starts up.
I actually have an Arkham "demo" set up for Wednesday, but I guess alot depends on if people show up for the demo and whether we want to actualyl play Arkham or BSG. So many games, so little time.
And I notice that the final scores are now posted. Tamsyn, congrats on your second place finish (just like ours lol). Amazingly, only a handful of the 1-2 investigators teams finished all the scenarios, and only the 2 of us in the 7-8 player teams. The 3-4 players teams, though, there were alot of team sizes there! And, the other MN team I notices never made it past the first scenario.
Our local consensus seems to be that we are going to try this next league "harcore" -- play each scenario once. If an investigator is devoured, s/e is gone for the rest of the league. Submit scores of 0. Actually have a loss condition for the league. We still might do a separate team like we did the old league, but that depends so much on available time. And we're obsessing over Battlestar Galactica lately, so tha tis eating into Arkham time as well.
I can't wait.
JerusalemJones said:
blah blah blah
Stupid society for dumb long names that annoy me. We should have been ranked first! gurrr... arggg... >:-(
For a moment I thought you were talking about our group, but then I realized you meant the 8 investigator team not the six... ;-)
The Nick-ler said:
JerusalemJones said:
blah blah blah
Stupid society for dumb long names that annoy me. We should have been ranked first! gurrr... arggg... >:-(
Dude, you
totally quoted me!
I read this thread before I read the results.
First I was annoyed that we came second (i blame scenario 3)
Then I was quite proud of coming second.
Then I was unimpressed that only 3 teams did all the scenarios!
Well done to the other teams who did them all as well, that seems to be an acheivement in itself!
well, there was 4 teams that did the 2 player (OK, I got a lot of failed missions, but i'm not very good at the game, and I didn't replay any scenarios)
but there was more in the other catagories that finished all the scenarios (maybe they've updated them since you last looked)
I think just completing all ten scenarios is an accomplishment. My group ( The Infrequents ) didn't start the league until very late and we were constantly behind the 8 ball playing catch up. We could only play each scenario once and on a few occasions there were only two of us controlling the investigators.
I think this time around things could be little different. A lot of groups are ready for the league and will likely play the scenarios as they are published. This will probably result in more teams completing all the scenarios which means the "competition" will be tougher. All this should make the new league more challenging which will be feat in itself considering the difficulty of some of the scenarios from the last league
After glancing at the rules for the new league I'm thinking we should try running two teams, at the local store. One as a eight investigator team and one or more 4 investigator teams. I'm so used to playing in the large group, that I would like to see the sceanios from the perspective of a smaller team too.
Argonel said:
After glancing at the rules for the new league I'm thinking we should try running two teams, at the local store. One as a eight investigator team and one or more 4 investigator teams. I'm so used to playing in the large group, that I would like to see the sceanios from the perspective of a smaller team too.
I am for that! (but with me moving soon, I think I may just be in the large group (there are enough people who show up to take over my character).
Yeah, i don't think we'll be doing either one "hardcore" in the sense that devourved investigators stay devoured. I like some of the new setups, and can't wait.
And, really Nick, are the forums the best place to announce to us all that you are moving?
Heh.... I played the last league scenarios "hardcore" with three player teams. It was a blast.
got to be hardcore.
however if i cant play Mandy and Joe, dont know if we will be playing the 2nd league....
tamsyn said:
got to be hardcore.
however if i cant play Mandy and Joe, dont know if we will be playing the 2nd league....
Come on, show some love for Jim Culver + Vincent Lee combo by trying them
vincent lee - get back to bed!
tamsyn said:
vincent lee - get back to bed!
Naughty you
tamsyn said:
got to be hardcore.
however if i cant play Mandy and Joe, dont know if we will be playing the 2nd league....
If the story is any indicator, Joe will be in the first adventure. Didn't see any mention of Mandy, though...
And don't make doubt the Hardcore thing. I like a challenge, but with being forced to play certain investigators, we might hit a scenario that we can't play, or will only have 2 or 3 investigators available to us.
Dam said:
tamsyn said:
vincent lee - get back to bed!
Naughty you
Not my bed. That's saved for Bob Jenkins.