nice sleeves..

By john_nld, in Star Wars: The Card Game

I'll get 3 packs of all if I can get my hands on them here in the Netherlands.

But why sleeves first....normally FFG brings out the game and the sleeves later. Is it that the game is on the brink of release so in pace with the 3d release of phantom menace?

I guess not but this is a nice bit of news though.

I'm interested in the sleeves too, but then I'm attracted to anything with the original trilogy on it. My childhood was consumed by the power of the force.

I picked up the sleeves yesterday and they look amazing! Now I really can't wait to get some cards from the LCG to put into them and play!

To the people of fantasy flight games here are some basic tips on selling more of your products

1 bring out card game first

2 then bring out stuff like sleeves and playmats and binders

3 or bring everything out at same time

4 only annouce game when you are close to release and not 4-6 months befre as potential customers get fed up of waiting and decide not to buy

5 announce release a maximum of about 2-3 months before release

6 put promo cards in mags (game trade magazine ,, star wars insider )and to retailers

7 make sure game is at printers before announcement f game

Hope these tips help in the future