Hi Guys.
Just found this site while browsing the web and thought I would share my new project.
I started playing Talisman 2nd edition back in 1985 when I was11 years old.It was my favorite game ever.
I also played alot of D&D and fighting fantasy games.
As Life went on and other interests came along(Girls)I lost track of the game and it disappeared.
Afew weeks ago a few friends and I were reminiscing about the good old days and Talisman was brought up.
I didn't even know there was a third let alone a fourth edition out,so I went on down to my local Games store and picked one up.
Now I'm on a mission to design a 3D board to play the game on.
I wanted something practical that I could store under the bed and drag out and play with the kids so I decided on Styrafoam.
So here is the first mock up.
All suggestions and comments welcome.