Can heroes be insta-killed by other heroes and/or leadership cards?

By DrDyregod, in StarCraft

(This is a duplicate of my post on boardgamegeek)

I have a question: Can heroes be killed by other heroes special abilities like Zeratul's "destroy one ground unit at the start of battle" and the "if I die I take a unit of my choice with me ability" of Gantrithor? Also, can heroes fall victim to leadership cards like Tassadar's "sacrifice a unit to destroy all units on any area of the same planet"? These are really lame ways for a hero to bite the dust.

With the rules as is, there is no mention of any immunity from such abilities and leadership cards, so it's clear that heroes can be the target of these. By asking this question anyway, I aim to grasp the designer's intention. It seems that by the designers intention heroes should be hard to kill, being immune to splash damage and insta-killing technology cards. So, are leadership card immunity omitted on purpose (after all, heroes are already hard to kill), or did they just not think about these situations?

Even though I have yet to experience it, I imagine insta-death by Gantrithor or the "ultimate sacrifice" card to be particularly lame, as the hero isn't even (necessarily) involved in a combat.

Any thoughts on this?

The rulebook mentions about technology card immunity : spawn broodling, leg enhancement, mind control, nuke, etc... But I agree there's no mention about leadership cards. And I also agree it's very lame for a hero to die in such a dumb way. And it did happen to me in one game for Kerrigan to die by Ganthritor.

But these abilities are extremely rare so I would asume it's ok but it does need to be clearer.

Well, to kill Kerrigan with sacrificing the Ganthitor is a heroic way to die and ok. :)

Another doubtfull case: retreat of hero after battle in which UED hero (promotional cards) was present:

"When it is present at the start of a battle, opposing non-cloaking units that retreat or withdraw are instead destroyed."

Perhaps heroes shouldn't be considered as "units" (it is a new keyword/category of units).

If you think it's unfair to kill heroes by that way, try to play with this rule (it's my suggestion):

"All heroes special abilities or leadership cards allowing to kill units involves heroes if they are only enemy units present on the area."

IMO, complete immunity for heroes on those abilities would make some of them too powerfull/weak comparing to others.

I would simply houserule that a heroe can't be killed by any effect other than being killed as an FLU.

Stop thinking heroes in a fantasy world perspective like warcraft.. This is not heroes vs creeps, this is starcraft.

A hero is just another being/creature/driver with some more talents/benefits than the next guy, not a demigod immune to all special affects...

I pretty am sure Jim Raynor's Vulture Bike would get destroyed the same as the next bloke's bike when a Protoss carrier, also a hero, crasher itself on top it.. And I don't think it is a lame way to die for a hero :D it is quite entertaining.

I think the current ruling is quite balanced as is... Heroes are great but careful strategy is required to keep them alive.

I think a 'hero' is a 'unit' unless explicitly mentioned in a card effect, like, this card kills all units other than heroes... etc

Well, at least they are safe from splash :)

Honestly I don't even like that they are safe from splash. Immunity is a stupid way to balance things.

If a nuke won't kill Jim Raynor's Bike, then why would a space ship falling on it be any more effective? I like the Ability/Tech. Card immunity, but I don't like the Leadership card immunity. The "Ultimate Sacrifice" card of Tassadar's Stage III is a completely fair way to kill a hero. They are already hard enough to kill. Why make them completely immune to death unless they put themselves in battle?
Moreover, the "Only die as a FLU" rule is the WORST idea. With the Defence Module, you'll never kill a hero. Especially Kerrigan.

Page 34 of the Core Rule book states:
"If a player has sufficient strength, and his front-line unit’s combat capability is unable to target the opponent’s front-line unit, but is able to target one of the opposing supporting units in the same skirmish, such a supporting unit is destroyed instead. (If multiple opposing supporting units are possible targets, the player who controls those units selects which one is destroyed.)"

In this case, if the only supporting unit is a hero, I think the hero should die.

EeT-MeeL said:

Page 34 of the Core Rule book states:
"If a player has sufficient strength, and his front-line unit’s combat capability is unable to target the opponent’s front-line unit, but is able to target one of the opposing supporting units in the same skirmish, such a supporting unit is destroyed instead. (If multiple opposing supporting units are possible targets, the player who controls those units selects which one is destroyed.)"

In this case, if the only supporting unit is a hero, I think the hero should die.

I think as you

It's just that heroes are so fun to have that you don't want him to die too quickly. Torrasque is fun in that way! I think some cards should allow (nuke...) and others shouldn't (spawn broodling). Even if in the video game you could kill Fenix with Spawn Broodling!!! lol Nevertheless it would just get more complicated so in the end it's better that way... I guess...

And it is dumb for a hero to get splatted out by a licenceless protoss psychotic!

I would like to see an official ruling on this. It's important enough IMO to merit one (especially after reading the threads on the whole Spawn Broodling/Splash Damage Triggered issue).

I've got some answers, however, not very firm.

When I receive a clarification (already requested for it), I'll post it here.

Rule Question:
1) Can Tassadar player use special ability of Ganthrithor (on II Stage Leadership card) also, when he chooses to destroy it voluntarily? Can it be done during the same Mobilize Order, in which Gantrithor is moved on the active planet (after hero was moved)?

2) Can heroes (eg. Ganthrithor, Zeratul, General Du'Galle ) use their abilities to destroy enemy hero(es)?

1) Yes, he may use this if he destroys it voluntarily (for example with splash damage). Yes, it may be used during the same mobilize order in which he moved.
2) No, hero's cannot be destroyed by special abilities that target units.

I hope that this answers your questions!
-Corey Konieczka
Fantasy Flight Games
Game Design and Development

Ok, the next reply should explain all questions it that topic.

Thank you again for reply.
Well, I'm not sure if I understood those answers well, so I'm forced to ask you some additional questions:

1) Does that mean any hero can "absorb" triggered Splash Damage if its owner agrees to destroy it for that purpose?

2) Does that include any leadership cards killing units? For example: "Ultimate Sacrifice" , "Psi Disruptor" (when hero is forced to retreat). General Du'Galle kills retreating / withdrawing non-cloaking enemy units from his area, so it's somehow different that usual special abilities <killing units>. And his abiliy doesn't target unit(s).
What's more, only cloaked units can withdraw... Perhaps "non-cloaking" means "without pernament Cloaking" here?

3) Are heroes considered as units, when any abilities killing units are activated? In other words, can heroes be killed only by combat card values or because of <impossible> retreat or withdraw?

1) I apologize for my confusion on this. Obviously heroes cannot be destroyed by splash damage (as stated in the rules).
2 + 3) The only times a hero can be killed is if killed during a skirmish by his opponent's attack value, OR if he is forced to retreat, but has nowhere to legally retreat to.

I hope that this clarifies.
-Corey Konieczka
Fantasy Flight Games
Game Design and Development

So that:

All Leadership cards what are able to kill units ("Ultimate Sacrifice", "Zeratul", "Ganthrithor", "General Du'Galle") don't affect heroes.

The only exception is "Psi Disruptor" (this card ocasionally may cause that heroes on specific planet won't be able to retreat).

That's how i understand those answers.

I’ve bought the expansion 2 days ago and I still haven’t played it, but I want to be sure about something:

I assume that when the heroes die they stay dead, or do they resurrect in the next regrouping phase (in the play leadership cards step, even if that card phase as already pass)?

Only Torrasque (Overmind hero) can be resurrected, according to rules on his leadership card.

All other heroes have only 1 life ;-]

Hint: Defensive module really helps your hero(es) to stay alive.