TheMetal1 said:
Exactly!!!!!! This isn't Monopoly or Life. A base game with a thin theme piled on top for a specific audience.
I have never gotten this need to overdo the revamping of an already solid game!!!! Why not just re-release the original game with some minor clean-up/editing work? Maybe an optional (or two) variant added in- a lot like what was done with Conquest of the Empire.
As for the CYA moment concerning the two press releases- see the first part of my post. Stop trying so hard to be PC about anything concerning this.
You didn't need to change anything (send it to the creative department, etc.) about the original theme. It is now a historical "what-if" scenario, instead of a future "what-if". You just set yourself up for a chance to have an editing screw up.
This is a great game that has deserved a reprint for a long time. I hope that the few fixes that are done only add to the experience.
Thanks FFG.