Well, in the back story (of F.A) I believe CanaDUH was “Taken Out” of the fight immediately.
Let’s face it guys (Fellow CanaDUMB’s on here) we have NO fighting force to speak of. It has been said that the NYC and New York State police forces combined could conquer CanaDUH in an out-and-out military campaign, and that’s one BIG ice cube to take.
And you are “Sort of “ wrong…CanaDUH is a sovern nation-state with ties to England. We are part of what is called the “Commonwealth” , which is a giant street gang version of what’s left of the former British Empire. Other gang members include Australia, New Zealand, and Formally South Africa who told us to go “F” ourself’s when we tried to get them not to implement Apartheid back in the ‘50’s (and now they are a Republic).
But, we still are NOT a democracy…we are a “Constitutional Monarchy”, and yes, that means Queen Elizabeth II is the “Official” head of state here. The cool thing about this is the following; if the Queen ever removed her approval from a sitting government, and it resulted in Civil war…no “Rebels” would be rebels, ‘casue they’d be fighting for the Queen not the sitting Government. Which brings me back to Fortress Quebec, or should I say “Québec de Forteresse”, I totally think I’d like to do this using the F.A. rules…but play testers? I don’t even think I’d know where to begin.
“God save the Queen!”