
By Steve-O, in Rex: Final Days of an Empire

This is a test to see if I can pop the perpetual "new message" indicator this forum seems to have gotten stuck on.

I used to get the same thing with Cosmic Encounter's homebrew forum. Sometimes I'd pop it temporarily, but it would come back not long after.

I've had the same problem with a few different forums such as Twilight Imperium and Descent. Might be some sort of bug in the forum software...

Well, fingers crossed but it seems to have worked (this time.)

Now if only they'd get around to fixing the image. =P

Every thread was just marked New. That's a new one on me. Weird.

Possibly linked to the FFG server... something. (crash, shutdown, hack, who knows?)

Treachery by the Hacan no doubt

The Emirates do not betray. They uphold contracts of which the fine print has been overlooked by the other signing party/-ies.

The Yssaril on the other hand... Sneaky buggers...