FFG, Mr. Chambers, anyone?
This is an exciting product that could really put the DUST brand on the map with the tabletop crowd. How about a little more info and support, or dare I say it hype? And maybe an update on release?
FFG, Mr. Chambers, anyone?
This is an exciting product that could really put the DUST brand on the map with the tabletop crowd. How about a little more info and support, or dare I say it hype? And maybe an update on release?
Yes, the natives are getting restless. I already bought my (original) Dust Tactics set and am keeping it in shrink wrap until I can read and be assured of the rules, but I can't wait forever.
If there are unexpected delays, getting a few angry reactions now from those who are immature is better than getting a lot of angry or puzzled reactions from the silence, for which there is actual cause to be upset about (since it's something you, FFG, can easily do something about, even if you can't do anything about printer problems or even design issues that need to be taken care of).
Id really like to know this too, ive been getting a bunch of stuff all ready to go to war ...
Tell me about it! I had pre-ordered this along with my Heavy walkers, thinking they would be out around the sametime and now I can not get my walkers until this is released due to the online retailer's policy. AAHHHHHHH!
Personally I am quickly losing interest in Warfare, FFG has shown little enthusiasm about it in my eyes and considering their lack of communication or news I'll probably wind up just using the models with another set of WWII rules like Victory Decision. Too bad really because I was genuinely interested in this ruleset.
Understandable, though regrettable. I must admit I'm starting to have doubts as well whether they're serious about this.
well from everything i read so far Andy Chambers is taking this very seriously, almost like he is making it the game he wants to play. Not sure on why its taking as long as it is but i do know i believe either in late October or early November they play tested the game with a select controlled group, signing waviers and all that promising they cant say anything about the game. My guess that this was to see if the game was ready to be put out onto the market or not and i will also guess that it wasnt ready that they were tweaking or still tweaking. Seeing how im the only one i think at my game store that is totally into the excitement for the release im learning patience, although when everyone saw my heavy walkers i think a few more people cant wait to get into this game now.
Larger playtest groups mean the game is getting close to release level, but they can either mean a game gets a go ahead, or the game comes to a halt as people go, 'Oh, No! We didn't notice those problems in earlier playtesting with a smaller group.'
In scenario two, the game has to go back for reworking, and that can take an unknown time to fix what was found to be broken.
For computer gamers, many have gotten used to the idea from Blizzard. For tabletop gamers, we run the gamut from companies that are always late because they expect to get things right faster than they can, to a rare few companies like GW that will sometimes sit on items until they decide they're ready before even announcing when they're coming.
I decided long ago I'd rather wait for a game to be done right, than to see it released with so many errors it isn't worth playing. I really want DUST Warfare to be worth playing.
With the varied track record of different companies on announced versus actual release dates, I enjoy hearing about coming ideas, but don't really expect them until they are actually announced as being shipped to the retail stores. It saves a lot of frustration that way.
I've waited years for some announced releases to actually see the light of day from some other companies, so FFG is doing far better than that.