Incredibly cool villin database

By Guest, in Rogue Trader Gamemasters

Hi everyone I thought it was about time we had a thread for everyone to post their groups competitors and various nemeses!

Share their background and if you want to their stats. I'm going to post a few to get things started please share your thoughts and post your own creations for everyone to see.

Krade the Spiteful

Portrait (taken froma deviant art concept of alpharius) : Alpharius_Primarch_of_Alpha_Legion.jpg

My players are currently being hunted by this guy. He's an Alpha Legion Chaos Space Marine bent on killing them, he will stop at nothing to crush the players. He is a tough one in combat but being ALpha Legion he's very adept at stealth and likes to stir up mutinies on my players ship. The players have no idea where he came from or what they did to earn the marines hatred (they don't even know his name).

What they don't know is that they made him the man he is today. At some point in the furture (I'm not sure how yet) my players are going to be stuck in a damaged aircraft above a death world with a few young boys on board, their going to have to lose some weight on the plane or it will crash killing them all unless they dump everyone and everything on board who isn't a PC. One of the boys they dumo will surivive and be picted up by an alpha legion ship passing by to refill their ranks from the local deathworld. Krade was born that day and he blaims the exploers for the tortures he sufferd on the planet they left him and at the hands of his mentors amongst the traitor legions. When he grew old Krade made a pact with a tzeench deamon who sent him back in time to kill the players before they could drop the child krade on the deathworld.

Ironically it's going to be Krade himslef who damages the aircraft with the child krade on it while trying to kill the players. The tzeench deamon of course gets a good laugh out of that and. I will explain his backstory to the character after this happens.

One of the intersting ways you could kill krade is to track him down on the planet you left him and kill him as a child thus making Alpah Legion Krade disapear and creat a time paradox.

The Perfurmed Traders ( Xenos terriblis parasitumcerbespino spaiendominatus )

Portrait: ThingHead.jpg

My trader has yet to encounter these yet but I'm excited to use them.

At a spaceport my players will be approached by a human trader who apsolutely reaks of perfume. Drenched in the stuff he smelss like a walking bubble bath. The perfumed trader sweet talks the player while one of his assistants shows some of the player underlings around their wears. If the player makes a trade with the traders for some supplies or weapons the prices are very good aquisition tests are given a +30 bonus with the perfumed traders.

A week or so after making the deal or even just having met the traders a fairly important security cheif will befound to have been murderd by being pushed into some sort of large machinery on the starship so that his bbody was mutilated terribly and the head is missing presumably crushed. If the players investigate any one with tracking or some sort of survival skill will find that there is a blood trail leading from the railings on the plat form he jumped into a small duct in the floor or on the wall near the platform.

If the players do not investigate do not provide them information byond that he was murdered. Over the following week more and more of these deaths are being reported. And most creepily the sargent who was reportedly murderd is spoted walking around on your ship in some one elses uniform or clothes.

In the middle of the night have one ofyour PC's awaken to a horrible horrible smell like that of rotting meat and a disembodied head with bloody tentacles decending out of the neck trying to slide it's spine down their throat which muffles their screams as piercing pain in their stomach builds.

The perfumed traders are actually humans who have been infected by a parasitic alien life form. The life form layes its eggs at in the lower spine where the eggs grow up the spine and into the brain aswell as growing a mutated cluster of tenticles in the digestive tracket, all other organs begin to rot about a week after infection. The head can now leave its host or remain attached and act as if it is the host as it gains thier memories or it can remove itslef and go elsewhere. The spine becomes the creatures reproductive organ with which it implants itself, the egg laying causes short term memory loss in the victim so they have no recollection of it happening. If your player let to many people die the head will start to form a weird little nest beath thier decks. The heads can also just decapitate a person and control their body as a special attack in combat instead of laying eggs whish takes an unconciuos victim.

Lord-Admiral Fauchsmund Thayne ( Pronounced Foe-x-mooned ) Protector of Devains Cluster, Govenor of Geistzeig

Portait: Governor_Malakai_Vess__Corbella1.jpg?wid

Thayne is more or less the Archnemisi of my group hes a classic moustache twisting accented evil doer whos just doesn't give up and is retlentlessly trying to kill the group chasing them around shouting "You von't get avay zis time!" . Thayne and my player have a history together. My Rogue Trader is only 18 and witnessed her fathers death at thanyne's hand when she was a child, Thayne shatterd her dynastys former wealth, claimed the planets they owned for his own and has gotten rich off of waht is leagally hers by law and blood and birth. Our groups missionary was the late fathers best freind and my rogue traders godfather, hes managed the empire until my RT came of age and he hates thayne allot as well. My RT was forced into hiding since she was 6 after her fathers death and was moved around alot due to the constant assassination attempts thayne has been organising. My player has only actually met him face to face twice. He mostly comes to play using underlings or assasins

The first game we played our rogue trader had to put down an eversor assasin thayne managed to send her way. Thayne is very well connected within the inquisisition and commands large fleet about 13 warships and 12 transports as well as having very wealthy backers in the calixis sector. He's a formidable foe and one thats going to take many many sessions to beat.

(I took his art from an Acension dark heresy character you may recognise)

Lord-Captain Maximillan dePledge ( and his creature, Dragan )


Lord-Captain Maximilian dePledge; Marquis of Anaradai Prime, Mirabile, and Mirai; Master of the starship Royal Privilege ; patron of the arts, and of the 1st Anaradai Mounted Regiment; master diplomat and trader; and spymaster.

Accompanied by his bodyguard, Dragan.

dePledge is some 230 years old, and has held the dePledge Warrant of Trade for most of that. Over the centuries he has had most of his body aside from his central nervous system replaced with the finest Imperial cybernetics, but that's the kind of thing you can get done when you're a techno-fetishist with more money than God.

The PCs have only met him the once - he invited them to dine in the ornamental garden aboard his fabulously outfitted cruiser Royal Privilege while at Port Wander, but he did seem to know an alarming amount about their backgrounds, and intentions. In reply, the Rose Tattoo 's crew attempted to shift Inquisitor Konstantin Lammrgeier's attention from themselves to dePledge. They will regret this - for one thing is was a most appallingly ungentlemanly thing to do.

Pic by myself, will post more as I illustrate other major NPCs - Goff Kaptin Buzzkill, Logician Harlan Cayne, and the assassin that at the end of last session blew up the Rose Tattoo's munitorium and Sunsear batteries. They don't know who he works for yet - hardly surprising, given the range of options.

Nice drawing very creepy.

ieatdeadpeople said:

Nice drawing very creepy.

thanks :)

87 views and only one other persons posted their Ideas, whats going on here?

*shrugs* same thing happens with most of the other threads I contribute to. I intend to draw some Stryxsis eventually, but a picture of a Logician Assassin finishing off assorted party members seems more likely, come the next session.

I like to think that a good game requires a good villain. We've had a few.

1) Inquisitor Pile.

Since our game was originally a Dark Heresy game, this guy was there boss. They did a whole bunch of jobs for him, eventually becoming rogue traders as part of a scheme of his to infiltrate the rogue trader community of the Koronus expanse. One job they did was to raid another inquisitors home and steal a heretical tome he was planning to burn. They handed the tome over to Pile who began studying it. In short he learnt sorcery from it and became obsessed by divination. He turned radical.

Now here is the fun bit. He never actually turned on them. He still asked them to do occasional jobs for him and they did, even though it was clear he was getting creepy. Eventually he "Borrowed" one of their frigates and went of to investigate an eldar temple linked to amazing powers of divination. The PCs pursued, retrieved their ship and chased him to the planet, there battling his daemon hosts and mind controlled armsmen.

It all ended badly for him, but right up to the end he was trying to get them to join him and his last bit of conversation was a dire warning about the just-about-to-begin Jericho crusade.

2) Alexia De Winter.

Ex assassin for the Inquisition, now traitor, heretic and mercenary at large. The players only met her once, when she and a psychic dwarf beat the hell out of them, but she loomed large as the mastermind of several big plots. She escaped justice and remains to threaten them in the future.

What made her scary was her competence. She served alongside Pile (see 1.) when he was a throne agent, was extremely well trained and has genius level planning abilities. The players know for a fact that she murdered an admech arch magos in his own sanctum, convinced another that she was an active member of the inquisition, nearly managed to steal an ordinatus engine for the Night Lords Legion, killed at least one inquisitor (Piles former mentor) and in close combat and armed only with a mono-knife, beat the crap out of the entire party (her pet psyker helped a bit). The final straw was that after the ssevere beat down she gave them, she handed them over to one of her minions, a sadistic torturer who inflicted some truly horrible injuries on them (one PC lost both eyes, another had his peripheral nervous system burnt out, another had a shattered skull and brain damage and one lost an arm), it wasn't pretty. The admech managed to fix and upgrade them but boy do they hate her.

3) The Red Bishop

Clearly a bad guy but gets on quite well with the PCs. A rogue trader who was once an extremely ambitious cardinal. He was given his warrant of trade and a shiny new cruiser to get rid of him. Since then he has raised several redemptionist armies, conquered a few planets and generally scared the hell out of everyone that meets him. Considers himself to be a personal envoy of the Emperor. Therefore anyone disagreeing with him is actually disagreeing with the Emperor, and he won't stand for that.

His highlight in game so far came when he assassinated an opponent at a huge dinner the PCs held with a large number of RTs. His weapon of choice, Boreworms. It led to one rogue trader being eaten from the inside out, one similarly killed food taster and the PCs needing to use flamers to purge the beasties. They fingered him for it pretty quickly so he politely apologised for ruining the mood but explained that the man had offended him in business and that such insults cannot be tolerated. They've given him a wide berth ever since.

Project Rantharan - an special and secret department of Inquisition that was forgotten. they where responsible for finding one of the most potent psykers in the milky way and from them create one powerfull psyker that would be serving the Inqusition. For the project itself is 3000 years old but only recently has given friuts. The Project was sperheded by warriors not officials, and the best way to stay this way was to keep it away from the Imperial Space so the Project Rantharan was taken out in Footfall.

After 3000 years and many shifts of the executives some of the purpose was missing, forgotten finally around end of 40th milenium. The projest was grate success, from 6 overpowered psykers that where to be killed where taken dna samples, and as base for body was used a potent psyker with lots of control over the powers that he was lacking. And there was one more that was designed as the teacher for the created whose fate was really scary.

Rantharan(the name of the 1st successful object) was raised in arts of psionic warfare for long time since the time of 2 years old. All that training made him more potent killer than Celuxus Assasin at age of 14. at age of 17 it was decided to go on with first Warp Incrusion... and that was the moment when everything went teribly wrong. The called out Deamon was much more stronger he was an Lord of Change that hide his real powers from the psykers that summoned him. The Deamon took control of Rantharan and destroyed almost everyone without even the need to manifest itself physicaly, but with just the force of the teenager. But the Deamon has greatly underestimated the boy and after 7 minutes he eredicated the deamon completly only wiyh his willpower. After the first reckoning he came to senses as he was gripping his hand on his teachers neck. The resulting incrusion left gift a horrible mutation. that spread in the next 3 minutes. He lost touch with the reality and black out. when he woke up again he was a really disgusting giant with many implants in place of his flesh. They tried to do everything to save their project. The resulting rage costed everyones life of the Rantharan Project the resulting psyker became one of many Crime Lords of Footfall. He started specialazing in Mind Control for sighting him caused panic so he started convincing people him by the power of his mind.

Now those that are unlucky can meet him and be frightened to death. For he is a n enormous hulking mutant feeding on raw flesh with near limitless psychic powes at his command.

Gear: Best Feudal World Plate Armor, Best Hand Canon, Best Great Weapon, Stummer, Charm, Psy Focus(skull of the last killed teacher of his +3)

Mutations- Tough Hide, Feels No Pain, Brute, Hulking, Necrophage, Hideous Strenght, Nightmarish,

Bionics- Bionic Heart, Cranial Armour, Blackbone Bracing, 2 Good Craftmanship Bionic Arms -both with Best Caftsmanship Internal Blades

Psychic Powers - Mind Link, Mind's Eye, Mind Probe, Mind Scan, Psychic Scream, Compel, Delude, Dominate, Terify, Puppet Master, Reprogram,

Foreshadow, In Harm's Way, Psycholocation,

Force Bolt, Telekinetic Weapon, Storm of Force,

WS: 44 BS: 50 STR: 70 TGH: 65 AG: 4(5)5 INT: 40 PER: 55 WP: 66 FELL: 40

Coruption Points: 38 Insanity Points: 18 Wounds: 26

Street Knowledge, PWT, Heightened Senses - Sound, Polyglot, Psy Rating-5, Peer-Underworld, the Insane, Astropaths, Workers, Mutants,; Ambidextrous, Autosanguine, Chem-Geld, Resistance - Psychic Powers, Light Sleeper, Foresight, Natural Armor2, Regeneration, Iron Jaw, Sprint, Bulging Biceps, and few others.

Made him for my party to fight as part of their old Warrant of Trade debt. And if After destroying his crime empire (they can't kill someone like that) he will hunt them with different people that he will have under his mind control. A long term menace that may easily kill them if they don't act seriously.

Gribble_the_Munchkin said:

2) Alexia De Winter.

The final straw was that after the ssevere beat down she gave them, she handed them over to one of her minions, a sadistic torturer who inflicted some truly horrible injuries on them (one PC lost both eyes, another had his peripheral nervous system burnt out, another had a shattered skull and brain damage and one lost an arm), it wasn't pretty. The admech managed to fix and upgrade them but boy do they hate her.

3) The Red Bishop

His highlight in game so far came when he assassinated an opponent at a huge dinner the PCs held with a large number of RTs. His weapon of choice, Boreworms. It led to one rogue trader being eaten from the inside out, one similarly killed food taster and the PCs needing to use flamers to purge the beasties. They fingered him for it pretty quickly so he politely apologised for ruining the mood but explained that the man had offended him in business and that such insults cannot be tolerated. They've given him a wide berth ever since.

Niiiice :)

Urreshkigal, the Maggot-King (Known to my players as the Smoking Man)


Due to a little bit of bad luck and some planning my players ended up having thir ship stolen from them and being jetissoned into deep space to surely die. At the cost of a fate point they managed to crash land on a deep space asteroid with an abandoned mining facility on it. The mine shafts had been colapsed and all the doors including the church and all the homes were locked shut. Fatigued my players decided to sleep, but when they shut their eyes they did not rest but dream.

The dream was extremely real, they all drempt the station was inhabited and they spoke to those around them. Eventually after several days of experiancing these dreams it cam to light that a the miners had uncovered a buryed artifact which some thought was cursed. A mother who had lost her child to a plague that was running amonst the mine station had sacraficed to the idol and brought her son to life. The other miners thought her some was now an abomniation the familly fled an angry mob and hid in the church. After the dream my players awoke to the colony abandonded as they had first found it and the church door's opened to my players Inside they found a kindly old preist and the mother and father. Who insisted that my players be quite so as to "Not wake the baby"

My players dined with the preist and the parents and after dinner the preist went to go read to the baby and the parents went to their own room. Two of my players went into the parents room and my astropath went into the babies room where he used a psynecience skill, it pulled back the warp-veil and revealed that strewnd around the rooms in the church was the decaying bodies of all the colonists and the butched bodies of the parents.

The preist was still alive but no more then a brain dead servitor forced to muttering prayers to Nurgle for eternity. It was at this time Urreshkigal made himself know to the players. He offerd them their ship back and a chance at revenge on Thayne (for a price) or to remain here with him. They obviously enternd into the pack with him and each in turn cut their hand on a rusty dagger swearing eternal "freindship" to the maggot king.

My players don't know his name and he has yet to name his price but he visits them in dreams and dark places from time to time just to catch up with them. But they all dread the day he names his price.

I'm slack and don't have pictures because I'm a bad person. Other than that though, have one of my main villains! Woo!


Description: Anastoz is a genestock of ferocious size and musculature. A shaved pate, leathery skin, and a thousand scars all add to the brutal hardassery of the man, yet unlike most gene-stock his eyes glitter with a cruel intelligence. He is often found wearing simple undyed robes when holding 'court' or an armoured bodyglove when he needs to go and learn somebody a lesson. While he is nearly never armed, when he does feel like he needs to go into battle he often does so with a chainfist on one hand, held up by his tremendous strength, and a heavy stubber fired casually from the other.

Personality: Unlike his brutal appearance, and unusually for gene-stock, Anastoz is slow to anger, exceptionally intelligent and possessed by a good sense of humour. He will attempt to win over potential allies with charisma before moving on to bribery or threats - both of which he excels at.

Resources: Anastoz commands a small fleet of warp-capable traders and will smuggle almost anything on the market. None of his ships are specifically well armed, although he doesn't seem to have an issue with raiders or pirates. He can call on favours from almost every level of Imperial society, from ground level scum to nobility, and has some sway with the Ecclesiarchy.

Goals: Anastoz, for all purposes, appears to be attempting to control the entirety of the sector underworld. He has contacts in most levels of society and any crime organisation that is powerful enough to spread past a single planetary system is almost certainly working for or against him. He is attempting to gain a foothold in the Adeptus Mechanicus at current, and would be most generous to anyone who could assist him.

Secrets: Anastoz is a member of the Alpha Legion who is attempting to use crime to destabilise the region. The extent of his true resources and influences is unknown, as are his true goals. He has shown no specific skill at warp craft, nor has daemonic activity been traced to his location. While the Inquisition are curious about him, none of them have made the connections required to guess his true heratige. It is currently unknown if Anastoz is still working with his Legion, given the complete lack of Astartes Wargear or warriors that he has displayed, although that could easily be part of his ruse.

Drhoz said:

Lord-Captain Maximillan dePledge ( and his creature, Dragan )


@Dhroz … watch Doctor Who? ;) ^^^^^^^^^^