Help with Some Game Rulings

By valoren, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

MasterBeastman said:

Sorry to revive a dead thread, but I had a question along the lines of pit traps:

Does Wind Pact make a hero immune to Pit Traps? The card says the hero is immune to pit obstacles which are not traps, correct?

Correct. The hero is still subject to Pit Traps played as cards by teh OL but is not affected by Pit tokens (obstacles).

So the hero can run over existing pits with no effect.

If a Pit Trap is played the hero takes tha damage but will not have to pay extra MP to get out of the pit.

On the matter of dropping crushing blocks on 'empty' squares, the rules require the OL to move the hero it was dropped on to an adjacent square of the OL's choosing. It's arguable that the hero is one type of 'thing' in said 'empty' square that the OL is required to move, and that the OL is required to move ALL 'things' in the empty square to adjacent squares - so the chest, coins, potion, rune key, whatever. That's what we do anyway.

McRae said:

So if I drop a crushing block on a glyph or treasure chest, can they then not access it ever?

As mentioned while it is legal nobody should ever do it (in my humble opinion). What I do encourage and have done a few times is to drop a crushing block and other traps when heroes are moving though their fellow heroes. Get 2 heroes in the trap for the price of 1 happy.gif

Dr. Yick said:

McRae said:

So if I drop a crushing block on a glyph or treasure chest, can they then not access it ever?

As mentioned while it is legal nobody should ever do it (in my humble opinion). What I do encourage and have done a few times is to drop a crushing block and other traps when heroes are moving though their fellow heroes. Get 2 heroes in the trap for the price of 1 happy.gif

I dont think a space containing a hero is considered empty...

To be precise, the room (space) trap cards in question start with the statement 'Play this card when a hero moves into an empty space. ' So the condition being tested is was it 'empty' before the hero moved there. Whether a space is considered empty when it already has another hero standing in it is a reasonable debate.

steverey said:

To be precise, the room (space) trap cards in question start with the statement 'Play this card when a hero moves into an empty space. ' So the condition being tested is was it 'empty' before the hero moved there. Whether a space is considered empty when it already has another hero standing in it is a reasonable debate.

Not really...since movement says you cannot move trough "spaces containing/occupied by an enemy figure", in this case it is a friendly figure, but the space is by all means occupied and not empty or free. Else i can't think

By that logic then it would NOT be permissible to drop a crushing block on a square where one hero is moving through another figure (could also be a hero with flight moving through a monster if the OL is a bit twisted) since the square was not empty - ie if we accept that 'occupied' is not = 'empty'

This is very simple:

You CAN NOT drop a block on a figure passing through a square containing another figure. It doesn't matter that if at some point in time the square was empty, its not empty now since its got another figure in it.

This thread is now updated as of the new FAQ about empty spaces. No more chest destroying rubble tokens.

Empty Spaces
Chests, Glyphs, Potions, Coin Piles, and Rune Keys do not count as empty spaces for the purposes of playing traps. They do not block line of sight, and figures may move through as normal.

This taken from the March 23rd FAQ, so steverey, I am sorry to inform you that you can nolonger destroy the hero's chests.

Here's the way my group has played traps:

If a hero can hit two monsters with a single guard action (monsters moving through each other), then the OL is able to hit multiple heros with a single trap. It adds an element of risk when trying to stratigically move your heros and squeeze every advantage from each movement point. I have played as both hero and OL with these rules and I don't feel that they are broken.

I do agree that dropping a block on a chest or glyph is not only poor form, but if you, as OL, have to resort to that to beat the heros, you may want to take up another game. Maybe connect four or go-fish.

Nobody's addressed the OP's question though, can the OL play two movement trap cards on the SAME hero in the same turn? Since you can only play one card per triggering event, what is the triggering event? Is it the fact that the hero is moving, or that he hero spent MP, so theoretically the OL could play many traps on a Hero.

I'm curious to hear the answer myself...


One trap may be played on each qualifying event. If that event is opening a door, you may play one trap per door. Also, the same goes for chests and empty spaces. One trap for each space may be played. This is NOT limited by the length of a player's turn.

It is a lot of fun to crushing block a hero that has just climbed out of a pit. It is also completely legal. If the poor sap also happens to open an exploding chest that turn, oh well. Life sucks sometimes as a hero.