Help with Some Game Rulings

By valoren, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Played descent yesterday and had a blast. Couple rulings were argued. I'd like to get some of your feedback:

1) I played two trap cards on one heroes turn, each at different times within the hero's movement. When the hero moved to its first open block, I played a spiked pit and it failed the save, so i hit the hero for 4 damage (i had trap master also). Then the player used two moves to get out of the pit and move a couple of spaces away and then i played a crushing block, which got him for 5 more damage. As OL, did i play that legally. The rulebook says I can not play multiple cards on a single condition, but I took the movements into separate open spaces as different conditions. So, if the hero decided to stay in the pit, I wounded have dropped a crushing block trap on him.

2) I won the game on a Dark Charm (ah, that was fun to have a hero deal the final blow for me!). On that last attack, I also declared I was using an Aim OL card. The Fantasy Flight FAQ says I can play an Aim card, but some of the heroes were complaining that I was using two cards for one "event"/"condition". I overruled them (and showed them the FAQ printout) and said its in the FAQ, so i used it (didnt have to actually use it since the players first roll killed the other player). I guess this is an exception to the normal rule when it comes to playing trap and event cards at the same time.

You are in the right on both accounts. Each square they step into is a triggering condition for those traps, and the activation for Dark Charm is "start of turn", and Aim's trigger is "declaring an attack". Well done.

Can you drop a crushing block trap on a hero in a pit? Would that trap them?

McRae said:

Can you drop a crushing block trap on a hero in a pit? Would that trap them?

You can't drop a crushing block trap on a Hero in a pit, since its not an empty space. Pits make a space non-empty. Unfortunately, the definition of an "empty space" is so poorly written in the FAQ that its worthless.

Big Remy said:

Unfortunately, the definition of an "empty space" is so poorly written in the FAQ that its worthless.

That's something of an understatement; it's not merely confusing or ambiguous, it's actually directly self-contradictory.

But assuming for the moment that you could play a crushing block on a hero in a pit, no, that wouldn't trap them, because the instructions on the crushing block card say to move the hero to an adjacent space of the OL's choice.

Fair enough. Another question. Does the poison spike trap make that pit trap always poisonous? For example, I play poison spike trap on Hero A. He takes 4 wounds and gets 4 poison tokens. He then attempts to leave said pit and I immediately play crushing block, which I then use to knock him back into the pit. Is the damage he takes more poison damage?

There's nothing to indicate that poison traps leave behind poison pits. The hero takes damage from the card, and then further hapless victims of the pit take regular pit damage. Oh, and you can't play Crushing Block next to Pits.

I agree with above - once a trap card is played and the pit is on the board it is no longer a trap, but an obstacle. So it inflicts 1 damage for falling in, no poison.

Following up, you cannot play a Crushing Block on a space that is adjacent to any obstacle. So you couldn't Crushing Block the hero on his way out of the pit. You can, however, Crushing Block a hero and when you move him to an adjacent space, use that to trigger a Pit Trap. Two for one :)

Thundercles said:

Oh, and you can't play Crushing Block next to Pits.

Where exactly does it say that? In my recollection Crushing Block says "not adjacent to movement blocking obstacle", which a pit is not.

Parathion said:

Where exactly does it say that? In my recollection Crushing Block says "not adjacent to movement blocking obstacle", which a pit is not.

The Crushing Block card does indeed only mention "obstacles", but the FAQ clarified this to only apply to movement blocking obstacles (rubble, water, boulders, crushing walls). I quote page 9:

Q: Which map items count as obstacles for the Crushing
Block trap card?

A: Crushing Block may never be played in a space
adjacent to any token (or built-in map element) that blocks
movement. The reason for this is to prevent the Overlord
from sealing a hallway completely and preventing the
heroes from ever progressing. This is a list of all relevant
obstacles, current through the Road to Legend: Boulder,
Crushing Wall, Rubble, Water. (Villagers are figures, not
map elements.)

In the original game (sans expansions, FAQ, etc.) Pits were of the "Obstacle" class, like Rubble and Water. Thus, the Crushing Block could not be played next to Pits.

The FAQ ruling quoted here is but one of the facepalm-worthy decisions in that version of the FAQ. Declassifying Pits from the Obstacle class opens up plays that were simply illegal before RtL.

Like the new definition of an empty square, which now allows OLs to drop Crushing Blocks on treasure chests and glyphs happy.gif

Good times...good times.

So if I drop a crushing block on a glyph or treasure chest, can they then not access it ever?

Please say yes. Oh sweet evilosity, please say yes.

McRae said:

Please say yes. Oh sweet evilosity, please say yes.

Technically, yes they will never be able to access the treasure chest.

Glyphs are a little more tricky. Vanilla Descent I think they would not be able to access it, in RtL they still could because you can be adjacent to use it.

Be aware this was once discussed on the old forum and if I remember right the general concensus we came to, and I'm sure someone will now disagree with it, was that since this was the result of an obvious oversight on FFG's part in the contradictory writing of an "empty space" that any OL who takes advantage of this should be prepared to have his players kick his ass from here to eternity happy.gif

But sadly, the way the current FAQ is written, it is perfectly legal for you to do it. You can't however do it to Rune Keys, as that would break the "OL can not do things that would completely block the players ability to progress" rule-thingy.

Big Remy said:

You can't however do it to Rune Keys, as that would break the "OL can not do things that would completely block the players ability to progress" rule-thingy.

Is that an actual rule, or just the obvious intent? If it's an actual rule, would you mind telling me where to find it?

I'll have to go with intent.

I was always under the impression it was a "rule" that the OL could not do something to make a level impassable, like drop two Crushing blocks in such a way as to make it impossible to reach a Rune locked door.

Why do I suddenly get the impression I was misunderstanding something?

KW actually posted about that particular bit of intent a couple of times on the old old forums, and once on the old forums with regards to familiars. Permanently blocking the only way forward or preventing familiars from following the heroes anywhere is basically frowned upon.

Thundercles said:

KW actually posted about that particular bit of intent a couple of times on the old old forums, and once on the old forums with regards to familiars. Permanently blocking the only way forward or preventing familiars from following the heroes anywhere is basically frowned upon.

That's where I got it from. Good to know I'm not making stuff up.


Thundercles said:

KW actually posted about that particular bit of intent a couple of times on the old old forums, and once on the old forums with regards to familiars. Permanently blocking the only way forward or preventing familiars from following the heroes anywhere is basically frowned upon.

Actually, it's also in the official FAQ itself (see the sentence starting with "The reason for this..."):

Q: Which map items count as obstacles for the Crushing
Block trap card?
A: Crushing Block may never be played in a space
adjacent to any token (or built-in map element) that blocks
movement. The reason for this is to prevent the Overlord
from sealing a hallway completely and preventing the
heroes from ever progressing. This is a list of all relevant
obstacles, current through the Road to Legend: Boulder,
Crushing Wall, Rubble, Water. (Villagers are figures, not
map elements.)


Oh it is in the FAQ.

Swiss Cheese Memory Activate!!

Ok, so just to re-iterate, I CAN play crushing block on treasure chests and glyphs. My friends are going to be PISSED.....

The FAQ definitions for "Empty" and "Obstacle" represent a change from the rules layed out by the base game even though they never highlight it. Personally, I ignore them, because taking them at face value would let me do all kinds of unfair stuff, like using Crushing Blocks to toss people into instant-death pits and drop Crushing Blocks on Treasure Chests.

McRae said:

Ok, so just to re-iterate, I CAN play crushing block on treasure chests and glyphs. My friends are going to be PISSED.....

Its up to you, but for the sake of your gaming group I really really recommend against it.

Sorry to revive a dead thread, but I had a question along the lines of pit traps:

Does Wind Pact make a hero immune to Pit Traps? The card says the hero is immune to pit obstacles which are not traps, correct?