Hi everybody,
I know this whole Psyker overpowered/underpowered thing has been discussed alot already, I a still going to add my 0.02€ to this.
BTW, my english is not that good, so I am going to apologize in advance for any offenses against the english language commited in this post...
If a Psyker Character uses his powers, he may roll badly and something goes very wrong, which is fine per se, but the Player often did nothing wrong (the power is desperately needed, he only used 1 dice and invocation etc) and then you have to decide: let the adventure pretty much go of the rails or to fudge the dice. This is especially strange if the Psyker is sitting somewhere safe and uses his powers to inform their boss about the most recent development via telepathy e.g. and then gives the rest of the party a lot of Corruption Points because he rolled badly and the average WP is pretty low.
So I came up with following:
Trait: Sanctioned Psyker
As the original Trait + You can use the Powers of the Warp in relative safety if you use the procedures and the training given to you during your cruel training to achieve Sanctionite status. Make an Invocation Roll. If you succeed you not only gain the usual bonus on your power roll but also a -25 Modifier to a possible roll on the Psychic Phenomena table. This only applies if you use no more than 1 dice during your power roll. Afterwards you gain 1 point of Fatigue from the stress of channeling the Warp in such a manner.
Now the psyker has a choice, spend an extra round and gain fatigue and mostly no overbleed, but no Perils of the Warp. Or if he already has fatigue he can go for the minor risk of rolling one dice without "doing it safe" and hope to not roll a 9, or he can go all out crazy and roll all his dice for that desperatly needed firestorm against that nearly unkillable Slaught.
If something pops up from the Warp now and devours the party at least there was a bit of choice involved not only bad luck.
What do you guys think? To powerful for your taste?