Dear fellow GMs.
I desperately need your advice on how to proceed with an adventure of mine. My group is in the midst of an investigation on the (in my campaign) ice-world of Cyclopea. It takes place in the only bigger settlement on the planet – the ancient domed (hive-)city called Drustos (20 million inhabitants on four major levels).
The group was sent there by their Inquisitor to look for the arch-heretic Castus.
Castus is a 150 years old scientist and chirurgeon who made a Dark Pact with Balphomael – a Pact of Survival. For this Pact of Survival he had to create a sacrificial cup which must be filled with the blood of a sacrificed son and his mother every 15 years. This gives him 15 years of unaging life. However, should this chain be broken, he will die when his years are up (and his soul will be consumed by Balphomael). The cup (which has no recognizable warp signature by itself) created must be used for all the sacrifices; failure to do so also breaks the Pact.
Castus is actually not in league with the Brotherhood of the Horned Darkness, even though they are on his heels and he once fled their captivity. Instead he was shortly allied to a seperatist faction in The Periphery for a time and was in charge of a small asteroid base there. He was obsessed with finding an alternative to the ritual of Balphomael and a way of maintaining his life without recourse to the bargain. Castus had an almost unparalleled opportunity to experiment on real living people.
The Inquisition acolyte Solomon sent undercover to the base nearly died in one of Castus experiments. He suffered from several of Castus rituals and experiments on body tolerances. He also witnessed the after effects of the ritual of Balphomael and saw how reverently the cup was treated. His mind was nearly broken by his experiences and he would have died, if it had not been for another captured Inquisition acolyte called Thaddius. Together they kept themselves alive in the hellhole of the asteroid base.
However Castus' reign came to a dramatic end when the Imperial Navy grand cruiser Reliant dropped into the solar system and attacked the base. During the confusion and chaos of the assault many of the stronger prisoners, led by Thaddius and Solomon, revolted against the prison guards. In the noisy chaos of that battle Castus tried to hide in his secure temple. However the prisoners tracked him down and he was mortality wounded by Solomon. As consciousness left Castus, he saw Thaddius lift the cup from the altar. However the flow of the battle changed and Thaddius and Solomon were swept away by the tide of fighting men. Some of Castus' cronies pulled him out, raced to the space dock and fled.
During the clean up, and treatment of the freed prisoners, the boarding parties were horrified at some of the discoveries they made. The Inquisition soon took over the running of the base and recovered as much data from the damaged cogitator units as they could. The freed prisoners were dispersed, and once the base had been stripped of all useful materials it was completely destroyed from orbit. Thaddius, however, hid the cup from the Inquisition as he was strangely drawn to it. He was fascinated by it strange warmth and faint murmurings that he only seemed able to hear. He ignored Solomon pleading advice to destroy it.
Thaddius and Solomon were soon afterwards retired from their service for the Inquisition and while Thaddius took a job working on the asteroid belt that surrounded the gas giant on the edge of the Cyclopea system (working his way up to a senior techgineer - his drive and natural intelligence making him a useful resource for the mining company he works with), Solomon, his mind wracked by his exposure to the warp, became a reclusive alcoholic who could barely hold his own small repair business running.
So, my party is sent to Cyclopea to make contact with Solomon and check whether he can be of help regarding Castus. The party all have fake Magistratum IDs that identify them internally as special agents of the Magistartum/Administratum. When they make planetfall they soon discover Solomon being violently killed and his spine missing (he was tortured and killed by Castus who is desprately trying to get hold of his cup as the 15 years are almost at an end - and the spine was consumed by a daemonic entity summoned by Castus). To make a long story short, the PCs make contact with Thaddius (who is about to make the very same Dark Pact with Balphomael), whose wife and son (ie. the potential sacrifices) are shortly afterwards kidnapped by Castus. The players located Castus' base in a huge evaporator chamber region downhive where he deluded a local gang into the worship of Balphomael and where he hides the family of Thaddius. Together with a Regulator squad of the local Magistratum and Thaddius (quite desperate to get his potential sacrifices back – even though he could set up a new family), they confront Castus in his base. Castus wants the cup, Thaddius wants his family and the PC's want a dead Castus. In the end a desperate Thaddius secretly uses his Psyker power Compel on a ganger to start a gunfight with the Regulator squad. The PC's storm the base and after a violent shootout (our Psyker lost an eye and a fate point) most of the gang is dead, but Castus sommons the daemonic entity again (using the spine of the gang leader) and all hell is breaking loose. The PC's, already heavily wounded fare very bad against the bizzare and powerful daemon, but while about to flee the base remeber they saw explosives lining the rear wall and start shooting at them (-20 BS called shot). While the Arbitrator and the Assassin miss with their Carnodon and Autogun, the Tech-Priest hits home with his Lasgun. The following detonation (causing 5D10 X damage in process) destroys the whole evaporator chamber (causing a minor hive quake thereby) as well as the daemon, all surviving gangers, all Regulators, the hostages (ie. the potential sacrifices), but neither Thaddius nor the PC's (they somehow did not even lost a fate point – but half of them is unconscious and the Guardsman lost all his armour in the process). Castus already fled with the help of the Psyker power Space slip during the shootout.
Now my question: How would you proceed?
Thaddius is really pissed losing his family and is hobbling away from the area (he actually hid the cup nearby after the Guardsman thought it would be wise to just drop it beneath some nearby debris during the gunfight – even though Thaddius already made his own cup just in case..). I actually wanted Thaddius to become the new major villain when I had the adventure in mind in the beginnig and I always thought Castus won't survive the adventure. Now Castus' plan was originally to leave the planet (with the cup) via a ship leaving the star base in orbit of the planet. But he did not got hold of the cup. So, what do you think might Castus be up to now? He is really despearate and erratic now. I also had in mind (should have Castus got hold of the cup) to let Castus being killed on the star base by a rival Inquisitor's acolyte (a black Priest of Maccabeus actually) just seconds before the PC's could get hold of him.
Thanks a lot for any feedback and help regarding this rather intricate and difficile status quo.
P.S.: One minor question: As I mentioned the rival Inquisitor's acolyte (ie. The Black Priest) might kill Castus on the space station. And while he has an Inquisitorial rosette with him, I do not want him to use it when the Navy security personnel (or Magistartum for that matter) rushes to the incident. Do you think it viable, that he identifies himself as an Ministorum operative and is therefore untouchable/unjusticiable by the Navy security or the Magistartum (as an Inquisition, Arbites or Commissarial operative certainly would be)?