Setting idea for use with this card system.

By Malgamus, in Anima: The Card Game

I was laying in bed yesterday morning when this idea hit me. Use the same mechanics of Anima but use a cyberpunk setting. Everything in the game could easily be replaced with a cyberpunk equivilant. Going with the idea of hacking/technology skills replacing magic for characters you would have hackers, mercenaries, androids, hitmen, high tech ninjas, ex-prize fighters, rebel activists, new age cultists, etc. Challenges become security measures like, guards, doors, sentry guns, ICE software, gangs, etc. Areas become parts of the city like corporate headquarters, research labs, warehouses, night clubs, dark alleys, shopping districts, etc. Im going to write up some card ideas and try to come up with at least double the content Anima so it has more variety. I'd like to know what you guys think so far.

Well, I think you could pretty much take any anime series, video game, movie, etc. that you like and make it into a card game. I mean, just have fun with it! Make the cards and have fun with your friends.

You can modifiy anygame to look diferent and play the same... its the dressing you give to it. True ...some settings are better for some mechanics than would be stupid to see a ballerina dance in a bearcostume...but still hilarious.