The Elder Sign on flash

By MyNeighbourTrololo, in Elder Sign

Did it for my study. Lacks many things. Was my first Action Script 3.0 work. Took me 2 weeks.

Although buggy, I like it. Since I am stil waiting for my new Android plz let me know about updates :) and about your planed implementations for a following release.

Can you tell me about bugs you found, please?

Took me a while to figure this out...

When you spend a common item together with a spell in one turn...

1. spending one common item in further turns will always cost 2 of them (everything will be fine again when you either get a new common item from a card or buy one [see issue 2])

2. getting a new common item (either by card or buy) will not increase the counter but fixes issue 1

These issues are also true for unique itemes (but they don not interfere with each other)

Another thing is that focusing is only once per card available (I am not sure about that but I think the rules allow focusing as often as you want. The only restriction is that you can focus only one dice per character)

If I find more I will edit here


- would be nice if cards appear in random order

- possibilty to abort a card before you have realy rolled the dice the first time (somtimes I press "roll" in the safe spot just by accident but do not want to use any features there. And due to points 1 and 2 I can not always use the extra dice I would like to use which can make a lot of trouble)

- if you could see the effect of each characters special ability

- having an indication how many elder signs you need

- implementation of old ones

- implentation of more characters

- more than 1 character at a time

- ...

I'm not absolutely sure, but I believe it was confirmed at Arkham Nights that you can only focus once per turn.

Fourm won't allows me to edit original post, so I'll post it here.

Fixed common & unique items issues.

Adventures are now randomized.

1 focus per adventure was my intent.

As for others:

-Randomizing implemented.

-I'll consider aborting.

-Harvey converts Terror into Lore, Finn converts Peril into Lore, Zoey converts Terror into Peril and Ursula converts Lore into 3 investigations.

-You need 14 elder signs. You lose at 12 doom tokens.

-Old ones will be very problematic. As you can see, I didn't even implemented monsters/ordered tasks and other complicated stuff(for my poor coding skill).

-More characters is not such a problem as a playing more than one per time - it involves many complicated cases.

Why this forum randomly forbides and allows editing my own posts?

Here is a more stable randomization version, the one I posted earlier had a problems:

Works fine but now the same card shows up more than ones.

Would be nice to have the option to replace the dice from one to another place if you change your mind while solving a quest

zero2one said:

Works fine but now the same card shows up more than ones.

Would be nice to have the option to replace the dice from one to another place if you change your mind while solving a quest

MyNeighbourTrololo said:

Ok, I think I just fixed this:

further testing proved I didn't

here's a new, working(I hope) version.

OMG, forum won't lets me paste links.

What a **** this forum mechanics are.

Very Cool! I am just now getting into this but like where it is headed! I will post notes if I find any bugs. Keep up the good work. happy.gif

Is this still alive? I am very interested in testing it. :3

Walk said:

I'm not absolutely sure, but I believe it was confirmed at Arkham Nights that you can only focus once per turn.

The rules say that you can do it after a failed roll - no mention of a limit of 'once per turn' is made.


Walk said:

I'm not absolutely sure, but I believe it was confirmed at Arkham Nights that you can only focus once per turn.

The rules say that you can do it after a failed roll - no mention of a limit of 'once per turn' is made.

Untrue. From the bottom of page 10 of the revised rulebook: Note: A player can focus a die only after a failed roll, and he can
focus only once during each of his turns.