Hey guys, first of all Black Crusade is an awesome RPG.
Secondly, I plan on using Eliphas the Inheritor in my campaign at one point or another. I've already created weaponry and gear he has had from DoW: Dark Crusade, but I'm just not quite sure what stats to give him, what talents, and what skills. I'll write down what I got in terms of all the gear he has before he non-canonically ascended to Daemonhood. I tried to make all of his weaponry and armor go as close as possible to what he had in DoW.
Accursed Crozius (1d10+8 E, Pen 7, Balanced, Power Field), Legion Meltagun (2d10+13 E, Pen 12, Clip 6, Rld 2 Full, Melta)
Banner of Chaos (Grants Fear 1), Runic Boots (Immune to stun effects), Daemonic Gauntlets (Increases Unnatural Strength bonus by 1), Daemonic Armor (Armor Value on chest is 11, increase wounds by 2), Helm of Lorgar (detect hidden enemies within 20 meters).
So as I said, I'm trying to come up with suitable talents, traits, skills and characteristics to show off how badass he was in DoW.
I have these stats, but I'm also making them suitable to a Word Bearer Dark Apostle that's gained (or hasn't yet in terms of talents and such) the favor of all the Gods, Abaddon, and Lorgar.
WS - 65
BS - 57
S - 70
T - 55
AG - 45
INT - 50
PER - 50
WP - 50
FEL - 55
INF - 59
Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks guys.
Eliphas the Inheritor?
I assume you're planning to use him as a boss enemy, so to speak.
To represent the favor of the Dark Gods that he gained, I suggest giving him one Reward from each God's table. Not Marks, as those don't quite fit a guy thoroughly dedicated to Chaos Undivided, and not anything physically warping, as Eliphas seemed to lack visible mutations. I'd go with:
Khorne: Purity of Aggression
Nurgle: Nurgle's Rot
Tzeentch: Massive Intellect
Slaanesh: One Thousand And One Senses
Now, the guy should have between 60 and 80 Corruption probably, as he's an old and extremely devoted Champion. This means he gets three Gits through his Corruption track. Disregard those I listed above, as those represent the blessings gained through extraneous means. So, let's add three Gifts. I suggest:
-Infernal Will
-Icon of Blasphemy
This keeps in with his theme of an extremely devoted priest of Chaos, and a generally scary sucker.
Now, Talents. Obviously, everything listed under CSM and Champion starting packages. Including the stuff listed as "either, or", just give him both. Then:
For his melee badassery: Two-Weapon Wielder (Both), Sidearms, Crushing Blow, Crippling Strike, Killing Strike, Hammer Blow, Furious Assault, Swift Attack, Lightning Attack, Thunder Charge, Berserk Charge, Blademaster.
For his general survivability: True Grit, Hardy, Step Aside, as many Sound Constitutions as rules allow (Seriously, the players will probably kill him anyway, don't make it easier for them), Iron Jaw, Leap Up, Die Hard.
For his backstory and position as Chaos Lord and Dark Apostle: Ancient Warrior, Demagogue, Into the Jaws of Hell, Unholy Devotion, Radiant Presence, Cold Hearted.
Since in DoW 2 he seemed to like Khorne quite much, and since Psykers can ruin the day of any boss enemy in BC, you may consider adding in Frenzy, Battle Rage and Blood God's Contempt.
And there you have it, a tough as nails, uniquely blessed Chaos Lord who can tear your PCs a new one if they don't watch out. You should probably add some skills for good measure.
And if you want the full rules for a Cursed Crozius, they're in The Achilus Assault.
@Morangias: You know you helped out quite a bit! All of those talents and traits look just fine to me, and I think I'll sure them the way you say. At this moment of time, he is an ally of the PCs, as he requisitioned the group to go kill **** for him, and perhaps he'll join them later. I'm sure if someone decided to screw around with Eliphas, I'll make Eliphas fight the PC haha. Should the Infamy be raised to balance out his corruption? And should the remainder of the stats be changed up at all?
@H.B.M.C: Well soooooooorryyyyyy boss, I wasn't aware there was a stat line for it. No need to be a **** about it.
Huh, how was H.B.M.C. acting like a ****? I parsed his post some ten times and all I see is him pointing you towards the sourcebook where you can find the official version of the Crozius.
We're pretty chill people here, so take it easy and don't assume ill will.
About the stats... is the 70 Strength meant to include the Power Armor bonus? Because if not, well, that's pretty high, as in "rolled 20 for Strength and bought all possible advancements" high. And it stands out from the rest of his stats. I know he was a badass in melee, but I'm not sure it needs such a single-minded focus on damage output.
Other than that, he seems fine. He's an all-round badass, but then all DoW commanders were like that, so if you're shooting for emulating the experience, it's probably fine.
As for Infamy... well, that depends. What moment in game timeline are we basing this on? Because I can see him having about 100 Infamy when he invaded Kronus, but it mostly went downhill from there and in DoW 2. So pretty much any score you assign will be appropriate.
By the way, I made Sindri the main boss of my BC campaign
whiplash308 said:
Maybe your avatar makes everything you write look angrier?
Or maybe some people jump to conclusions too quickly.
H.B.M.C. said:
whiplash308 said:
I was trying to help you nutcase.
I think it was the "BYE" you always put at the end of your posts. Before you explained it a while back and before I had seen a lot of your posts, your ending tag always seemed, for me at least, to give them an aggressively condescending tone no matter what you actually said in them. It's easy to assign the wrong tone to another's posts based on weird little things like that. Of course, that is also a good reason why its always best to give any post, no matter how rude sounding, the benefit of the doubt (never mind the various language and cultural differences of the various posters of these and most other boards).
Edit: and looking back at it, he could have taken tyhe "BYE" to be your asertion that you had given the finnal ultimate word on his topic and he should go away now. Damned if it isn't easy to read all kinds of tones and meanings into one sentance and an added word...
@Morangias: Yeah I always include the power armor bonus in my statlines for ease of use. Well, a few of the main commanders were pretty badass. Crull, Bale, Carron, in specific, were mega fail. On another note, I'll hit him with about 100 infamy for a non-canonical victory on Kronus, but not ascending to daemonhood. I'm curious to see your Sindri stat lines!
@Graver: That's exactly it. I can usually read sarcasm quite easily, but the way that he replied, and ending with "BYE" made it seem like "Here's your answer, get out and don't waste my time anymore". If that's a thing that he does, then whatever no big deal, but at least now I know.
Bale... ah, you mean Sindri's shouting sidekick?
Seriously, though, Sindri was the only character worthy of wearing an Alpha Legion pauldron.
I'm still working on Sindri's statline. So far, I've kept him in the background mostly. I'll remember to post them when I figure them out.
Well definitely keep me posted on Sindri's character sheet, I'd love to see that. The PCs just all had various sightings and visions respectively of some sort of invisible power armored Slaaneshi marine. I have to work on him now, haha. Well first thing's first, focus on getting Eliphas completed.