Greek Community is alive. We have a Dream... (Part I)

By GioKarab, in 7. AGoT Metagame Discussions

Hello all from exotic Greece. Where you can enjoy souvlaki gyros, tzatziki and AGoT LCG at its peak!

This talk is to inform the Wolrd community of AGoT that the game is "alive and kicking" here in Greece and we allready have our official ladder and standings. Check this link to see the system we use and scroll down at the link to see the actual points of the players participating!

We have this league play going 3 months now and we hope we can raise funds to actually sponsor our best players to compete at larger events such as Stahnleck. Most of our players are mature kids that enjoy both the fun and the competitive aspect of the game. A lot of players here used to play LOTR tcg and we even made it to top 3 at a World Cup Event as a team! So we have some suggestions that we want to place here for all of the community to see and support if you like.

We want you to know that we are here and we are here to stay! Italy is close so if the italian community wants to organize something bigger together we are open to suggestions.
This is the first talk from us but we will make other threads with ideas that can bring the community together to play and have fun not only at a national level but on a World one!

Before i finish this first thread i will keep my promise and bring forth our first idea.
We have a dream... We have a dream that someday all the countries that play AGoT will form a National Team of their 3 best players and compete to a World Team Joust Event! The rules are there and we have them. Brief explanation coming up...
- Matches will be Joust and will consist 1 player of Team A facing 1 player of Team B.
- Best 2 out of 3 matchup wins will decide the winning team.
- If it would be held here in Greece (we have no problem sponsoring 3 players to go to another location), we have a 5 star Hotel that could host the event at extremely low prices!

The thrill of playing for your country is something that when you feel it you can never forget it...
We await yor responces and ideas about this!

My email is
Please feel free to mail me with ideas or contact information.

Welcome GioKarab! Its awesome hearing that the game is as widespread as Greece! Checkout the General Discussion for the Octgn World Tournament I am organizing! Its not as fun as playing face to face, but still a great way to see how other countries build decks! As for a true World Tournament, I know that some players from the US are planning on going to Stahleck next year. Maybe that could serve as a World Tournament?

EDIT: And now I just realized you and I have already talked on AGoT Cards! lol

Haha ye we talked :P No worries!

Let me explain though what i am talking about. I ve seen all the tournaments run and i m prety happy about them. Greek community will certainly if all goes well be at Stahnlek next year.

But I'm talking about a World Team Event. In addition to other events. 3 players from each country (each country can field of course as many teams as it wants) facing other 3 players from another country in joust. For example Team Greece vs Team Canada. 3 vs 3 in joust. If i win for team Greece and one of my other co players wins we will qualify. In LOTR card game this was one of the biggest events of the year in essen Germany. We can certainly host it at Stahnleck in addition to the European Event that goes on there!

Tell me what you think and drop me your email at my mail so we can talk further. I know a lot of AGoT players are excited with the idea. The main problem is to find a sponsor from each country that will paly expenses for the team of 3 to go and compete. I know that here in Greece we have a chain of stores called Fantasy Shop that will sponsor 3 players easily.

Great idea. Although it could get a tad tense when the English and French sit down at the table to joust, sometimes a bit of history makes for a better atmosphere one likes to think. That said, I do think an English Joust team would be hard to beat. bostezo.gif