I got 2 questions, and I'd like to see what people think:
1. Hammerhand:
And I quote: "While this power is in effect, your Strenght Bonus is multiplied by 4..." This is the same as saying that you gain Unnatural Strenght x4, but you have to figure that it doesn't say that for a reason. So when making Strenght tests you will not get the automatic degrees of successes, but it doesn't say that this multiple of 4 only counts toward calculating damage, so by that logic does your Strenght Bonus get miltiplied by 4 when jumping? Sounds strange to me. And how about carrying, lifting and pushing? Should you get 4 times your Strenght Bonus when calculating that? So what do you say, should the phrase "this only counts toward calculating damage" be added to the power or should other things be affected as well?
2. Cellular Control vs. Shape Flesh
Both these powers are sustainable but Cellular Control has a special rule about sustaining it, and I quote: "Each round you sustain this power, you must succeed on a Toughness Test. On a failed Test you suffer 1d5 points of Damage, ignoring your Toughness Bonus and Armour, as your body begins to break from the strain." Now according to my understanding of this rule, begining with the very first round you need to make this Toughness Test of suffer the Damage, which seems a little harsh to me, especially when you consider Shape Flesh, which if you think about it, should be able to put considerably more stain on your body when you, for example, grow an extra pair of legs from nowhere, and the PT is only 3 points higher. But how else should you read it? I considered that you could start counting as though you're sustaining it only after the 10 rounds you're guarantueed with every sustainable power. But then you make Hollocaust way too powerfull since you " take 1d10+1 Energy Damage (ignoring Toughness Bonus and armour ) each round you sustain this power." So what do you say? Is Cellular Control really that much better than Shape Flesh that you need the extra rule?
I'm thankful for any input on my 2 problems.