House: Baratheon
Agenda: None
Characters (32)
3X Melisandre (DotN)
1X Selyse Baratheon (Core)
3X Army of the Faithful
3X Highgarden Refugee
3X Royal Entourage
3X Acolyte of the Flame
1X Brienne of Tarth (PotS)
3X Wicked Seductress
3X Intolerant Priest
1X Shireen Baratheon
1X The Queen of Thorns
1X Margaery Tyrell
3X Shadow Enchantress
3X Zealot of the Light
Locations (13)
3X Stormlands Feifdoms
1X King Robert's Chambers
3X Aegon's Garden
1X Street of Sisters
3X Kingswood Trail
1X Smuggler's Cove
1X King's Landing
Events (9)
3X Support of the Kingdom
3X Seductive Promies
3X The Battle at the Wall
Attachments (7)
2X Lightbringer
2X Milk of the Poppy
3X Fanatic
Wildfire Assault
The Red Wedding
Search and Detain
2X The Power of Faith
City of Lies
Many Powers Long Asleep
Okay, so the premise behind this deck is obviously a Holy theme, but there are some other things thrown in there I'd like to explain.
1) The Red Wedding. I have no lords in the deck, so it is almost always useful at some point during the game, especially since I have such a small amount of removal. Ladies are when the Royal Entourages come out as well.
2) Playing the Battle at the Wall on the same turn as a Power of the Faith is my primary source of draw.
3) Shadow Enchantresses are what keeps me going with this deck, so my main form of control are Kingswood Trails, which will kneel one of their characters and then go back to shadows to give me some STR and icon buffs. Also taking advantage of these are King's Landing, Queen of Thorns, and Margaery Tyrell (who happen to be ladies as well, for the Red Wedding).
It seems to work okay, but not great. I'd like to keep the same basic concepts, but better refinement and card choices. For example, I don't really like Zealots of Light, I just couldn't think of anything better to put there.