Let's discuss the new art...

By MarcoPulleaux, in UFS General Discussion

Anybody who has perused their avatar selections has seen the new art of several cards. My computer, unfortunately, only loaded about 1/3rd of the pics </3


As you can tell, new artists have been hired to cover both SF and SNK.

Although it's interesting to see some new artists, mostly since they appear to be artists from comic books (possibly even Spawn), but really, the reason why I liked Imaginary Friends so much was because they made the characters LOOK like the characters! One of the reasons I'm so opposed to building ::Adon:: is because his art is just so horrendous.

Thoughts, anybody?

Look at Kim.

He's supposed to be singing Karaoke.

Why is he the harbringer of the Apocalypse, dressed in a snazzy TKD suit? (Alternatively, why is he Zach "NOW TESTIFY" de la Rocha in a snazzy TKD suit?)

i got using Astrid. BLOODY Astrid. But it looks like Dien's art. want moar.

Ah, the joy of art. If there was one thing that I learned when i was collecting comic books as a teen is that sometimes your favorite things don't get the best attention ever. I am just waiting for someone to take Adon's new card and paint his face in the color of the Joker. Still no reason not to use him.

Mt_Do said:

Ah, the joy of art. If there was one thing that I learned when i was collecting comic books as a teen is that sometimes your favorite things don't get the best attention ever. I am just waiting for someone to take Adon's new card and paint his face in the color of the Joker. Still no reason not to use him.

Why so jaguar?

I do have to say alot of the new artwork is rather nice. Just as long as we don't end up with more disney Vega's everywhere. But the latest sets and the avatar selections have been rather nice

i think artwork looks good but, that could just be in comparison with the horors of glasshouse and udon.

Wait! whats wrong with glasshouse? i love most glasshouse art i dont think ive seen a bad Glasshouse card

Now udon on the other hand is pretty terrible i do agree with that

Da_ghetto_gamer said:

Wait! whats wrong with glasshouse? i love most glasshouse art i dont think ive seen a bad Glasshouse card

Glasshouse has shading issues, or rather, everything is completely hand-drawn, which is a risk that, for them, doesn't pay off (as opposed to say, 9 Tails, who did fantastic hand-drawn work on Ibuki). Like I've said, cards should feature characters who actually LOOK like their video game counterparts. :.:Zangief:.: doesn't look much like Zangief. **Lilith** looks terrible. They've done some work correctly. Red Cyclone of Mother Russia looks fine, **Q-Bee** is decent. But still, they make things too dark and too simple, it just doesn't work out too often.

Honestly, I really wish if they wanted to use new artists they should've let them stay in the Street Fighter section. I know I'm not a comic buff, but really, comic book style shouldn't really interfere with UFS; this isn't VS System. Obviously those who like that style will be happy. Not me =/

Yeah i can see where your coming from but i really like glasshouse art(ex: Promp Pyron is really cool) compared to udon exspecially

Honestly, I don't think Pyron will ever NOT be badass. Come on, he's a gigantic fire alien who eats planets for fun! I still say that *Pyron* is by far the best artwork in the entire game of UFS.

Agreed although the new felicias art is pretty bad and made by glasshouse

Has 9 tails made any other card images besides that ibuki?

I don't understand why everybody knocks on Felicia. Unlike *Felicia*/::Felicia::, as drawn by Udon, or :.:Zangief:.:, as drawn by Glass House, I think **Felicia** actually looks closer to how she really should look.

9 Tails did some work on Adon. Admittedly, it wasn't too good. Impulsive looked just fine, as did Jaguar 9000, but Jaguar Carry wasn't too shiny =/

9 Tails, as we were told, were like a few guys who had drawing equipment capable of rendering what we saw, so really, it's anybody's guess if we'll ever see them again. I hope so; Immature, ::Ibuki::, and Yoroi Doshi looked fantastic.

While it does look like her i just for some reason dont like that art at all it just looks like somethin my 12 year old sister would draw but really i dont know why i dont like it though

I'm guessing we're not seeing Imaginary Friends because of the hideous art around the time of Fight for the Future. Chun-Li 8-star for example; holy crap. They did some really nice stuff with the early SNK sets, but it seems like they tried to increase their level of detail and use more faded colors, and the results just kinda fell apart.

SNK's in-house stuff has been some of my favorite in the game industry. Actually, one thing I would LOVE to see is somehow getting Mutsumi Inomata to do work on an SNK set. I would really like to see what she'd do with characters like Yuri & Ryo, the Samurai Shodown crew, and such.

That probably isn't happening EVAR, but getting in-house SNK art would be pretty cool too and it sounds more plausible to actually happen. I imagine the best time to try to get them would be this spring, right AFTER King of Fighters 12 is released. =D

::::Chun-Li:::: looks like Chun Li should; I don't see what the problem is...

I'll admit, IFS made a mistake on Alex by not giving him pupils. Of course, the art on Spiral D.D.T. beats the pants off the art of Hyper Bomb.

Da_ghetto_gamer said:

Now udon on the other hand is pretty terrible i do agree with that

Maybe if they actually bothered to put their good artists on the project rather than put their bad ones...

MarcoPulleaux said:

::::Chun-Li:::: looks like Chun Li should; I don't see what the problem is...

Recognizability is different than visual appeal. Chun-Li*8 looks mostly like Alpha Chun-Li, but also happens to look completely hideous, even on the basest aspects of color and shading. It's not just that "Chun-Li isn't pretty" but that she's drawn with particularly bad technique.

To compare, Chun-Li*7 is average on human "prettyness" but Udon did a far better job of using the "dry color" and softer, more featured drawing that most of the set has.

To some extent, visual appeal can actually create the things that we consider defining or recognizing traits of a character - what we think "looks like them". It doesn't work as well the other way around. A good example would be the brand establishment of Nintendo's Zelda series compared to Capcom's Breath of Fire. The latter has a lot more uniqueness and distinctiveness in its visual ideas & designs, but it doesn't hold half as much power to give brand recognition with minimal input. The former series' art just holds much broader appeal, with both in-game and concept art.

A green floppy cap or a rather generic blue crest on a shield are now synonymous with only one thing in gamers' minds. Capcom isn't a weak presence in the industry or weak artistically, but the public just doesn't pick up on a "reference" the same way when they see blue spiked hair with an orange cape slung over 1 shoulder.

All that said, I'm really liking a lot of the new UFS art, for a number of reasons.

I like the new art.

Also, 7-dot Chun-Li looked good, 8-dot Chun-Li = Thunder Thighs of JUSTICE!

We may crack on Udon studios a lot, but as much as I hate some of their early work, they made Promo Karin, who has by far the best character artwork in the game, followed very closely by promo Bishamon (who I don't know does his art)

also, my avatar is currently sporting my favorite character art from the new set gran_risa.gif

quarzark said:

We may crack on Udon studios a lot, but as much as I hate some of their early work, they made Promo Karin, who has by far the best character artwork in the game, followed very closely by promo Bishamon (who I don't know does his art)

I actually want a print or if there is one, the original of the ::Bishamon:: Art so I can hang it on my wall.

Promo Bishamon has to be my favorite card art so far...

In response to the complaints about Glass House? Promo Talbain is gorgeous. It's all I'm saying.

Antigoth said:

quarzark said:

We may crack on Udon studios a lot, but as much as I hate some of their early work, they made Promo Karin, who has by far the best character artwork in the game, followed very closely by promo Bishamon (who I don't know does his art)

I actually want a print or if there is one, the original of the ::Bishamon:: Art so I can hang it on my wall.

Don't you mean **Bishamon**?

::Bishamon:: ain't out yet IIRC.