
By CaptainStabby, in Black Crusade

Moving from DH to a RT game and I'm ditching my Guardsman. I am toying with the idea of a Relictor space marine on the RT vessel. I'm just floundering on the best way to stat him out.

Depending on which flavor of the fluff is followed they are either a chapter that got their hands slapped, or they are excommunicate tratoris and tooling around the Eye of Terror looking for chaos goodies. (mmm chaos goodies)

So... Any suggestions on what the best way it would be to creat him? One of the BC classes, or a DW class? If BC is the best choice, which one?

Right now Im thinking of running him as either a dodgy Explorator or Psyker who got himself signed on so he could go look beyond Imperial space for nice chaos bits. Also probably to keep an eye on the former SoB who decided she was done with this Inquisition nonsense and made off with the 13 mirror shards from Sinophia.

Cheers folks!

What kind of marine are you thinking of?

Relictors...always awesome.

Depends on the date. Deathwatch is probably better if the relictors are recent (or not yet) outcast - they will be recently and Imperially equipped, and won't yet be in the state of relying on renegade manufacture and cast-offs, so he should (for example) have a fully functional suit of armour. The longer he's been out of direct imperial service, the more he's have to patch and make do, and legion armour becomes more appropriate.

Yeah, Im thinking post excommunication.

Either a Techmarine or a Librarian, posing as either some kind of dodgy Explorator or Psyker/Mercenary/Wyrd respectively who has convinced the RT to allow him to tag along to parts unknown.

"Oh, we found chaos bits? Let me take care of those, just to be sure nothing bad happens with them. Trust me, I can handle it..."

If I go Librarian I wouldnt use the BC rules for Sorcerers, at the start I'd like to have him be the untainted, use the enemies weapons against them guy. As the game progresses though, who knows where it goes.

Im feeling like the Librarian is the right way to go to be honest, the Techmarine just feels like he would be less interested in chaos artifacts and more in archeotech or xenotech and thats not where I want to go with him.

The other idea I had was a Celestial Lion who was seconded to the Deathwatch during the battle for Armageddon, so he's decided since his chapter is dead he's going on his own little crusade to bring the light of the Emperor to, well anyone he feels like really. Thus tagging along on the RT vessel. If I could get the GM to let me make a Chaplain that would be awesome, what better Imperial Missionary than a grumpy Astartes with a death wish!!

Yes, I have been reading a lot of the Armageddon fluff recently...