My friends and I have just started playing, though we're already looking to expand.. We're wondering if it's worth picking up the original core set in addition to revised, or should we just grab a few expansion units?
Purchased Core Revised-- Still worth buying the original?
The original core is a great deal, a lot of units, two medium tanks and two heroes for a litle price compared with separate unit buying. My suggestion is to buy a old core before it go.
Yes, you have to just to get enough dice :/
Major Mishap said:
Yes, you have to just to get enough dice :/
Dice I hava plenty of. Any six-sided will do, just everything is 5+ or 4- on rolls.
I've roughly compared them and the Core Set (1st, larger box) gave roughly $200+ dollars worth of models. I grabbed 2 of them off for about $60 a piece... They are totally worth their price and I highly suggest them. Earlier heroes such as Sigrid and Bazooka Joe are worth it in Tactics