My group is just finishing Purge the Unclean. I find myself at a bit of a loss as exactly what to do next. I have been working on sending the acolytes to the Andratis sub to look into Andranti technology and its connection to the Serrated Query. Any suggestions to spice up my lame idea would be welcome.
Where to go, after purging the unclean?
Konrad von Marburg said:
My group is just finishing Purge the Unclean. I find myself at a bit of a loss as exactly what to do next. I have been working on sending the acolytes to the Andratis sub to look into Andranti technology and its connection to the Serrated Query. Any suggestions to spice up my lame idea would be welcome.
IMO, it's worth looking into and forming your own ideas as to who and/or what 'The Faceless One' is. I don't want to give anything away (it's far too fun to spoil, and far to vague for anything I say to be definitive anyway), as that could well give you a little more inspiration for the future direction of your campaign.
I'm working my way through Purge the Unclean myself - my group starts "Baron Hopes" on Tuesday - but I plan to run them through House of Dust and Ash after that (my group will hate me for it, but that's the point, surely), before going freeform and letting them follow whatever leads they want to investigate.
Disciples of the Dark Gods will have the next follow up and Creatures Anathema the one following that.
Santiago said:
Disciples of the Dark Gods will have the next follow up and Creatures Anathema the one following that.
AFAIK (having read it), the scenario in Disciples (entitled "House of Dust and Ash") isn't a direct follow-up (though it can be used as one). Among other things, it doesn't link to the Serrated Query thread that runs through Purge the Unclean's adventures - all the info that exists regarding the Serrated Query is in Purge the Unclean.
I haven't heard whether or not there's another adventure in Creature's Anathema, though.
I appreciate the help. I have plenty to think on, thankfully my group wont be meeting for two weeks so I can hammer out a good follow up. Once I get Desciples of the Dark Gods in my hands, I am sure there will be even more to contemplate.
I was going to have them go after a demonhost (that is working for The Faceless One) that is rounding up amongst other things these strange tech devices that generate vast amounts of power and some alpha plus psykers to perform a ritual to deliberately "summon" the Tyrant Star.
Basically heavily borrowing from the Eisenhorn books, Stargate Atlantis and an old PC game series called Freespace.
I used the Purge the Unclean adventures seperately as in-between adventures when I was too busy (or too lazy) to write out an adventure myself. The Faceless One is sort of a background threat throughout all the adventures though; whp ar what he/she/it will become kind of depends on the actions that the players will take. I never write out a full campaign, I do have some set points though but I write one story and see where it ends up before I write the follow-up. This also makes the players feel like they are much more free and no deus ex machinas are performed that way.
Purging the somewhat dingy?
Well, there's certainly plenty of room to continue in combatting the Serrated Query, the Dark Eldar and even the Broken Chains....if you want to work in familiar surroundings. Also, you could have a spinoff adventure focused on an ally you've made over those adventures (Strophes, etc).
The Mini Adventure in the GMs kit is good....and that certainly inspired me to several follow up games. The Slaugth are *nasty* foes and I look forward to learning more about them.
After my group has finished the PtU trilogy (we're starting Shades on Twilight tomorrow) I plan to basically let them loose in the Calixis sector, working on leads that might lead them to the Serrated Query and eventually the Faceless One himself. One of the acolytes will become a Legate Investigator with a charter to investigate any activity, person or organisation asociated with the Serrated Query. The group will essentially become the nucleus of a task force aimed at disrupting and if possible, liquidating the Querys operations in the sector. I'm planning on giving them a lot of leeway in how exactly they are going to accomplish this. Hopefully it will all end with an epic showdown with Eloeholth himself, and the surviving acolytes becoming Inquisitors in their own right...
At least, that's the plan. We'll see how it pans out.
If you're really stuck for something you could always raid Dark Reign (hah beat mr Dark Reign himself lol ) but yea an easy way is expand on the adventures you've ran already.
I'm writing up an adventure that gonna have a return of the Serrated Query and have just finished running one I wrote up as a kind of sequel/remix of the Shattered Hope adventure.