According to the text on the card, the only way to infest a command center is to have a battle. This means that if you move a queen and a unit to an area containing an undefended terran base, it is not infested. Am I reading this correctly? It seems to be the Zerg equivilent of Collateral Damage. And a seige tank doesn't automatically destroy a base or all the workers if there is nothing to fight. It just doesn't make alot of sense in terms of balancing.
Infest Command Center
I noticed too that you won't get those effects unless there is a fight.
If they try to come back and take it from you before the end of the turn, then you might be able to still pull off the collateral damage or infestation.
But yeah it kinda is a disappointment when you get the empty base thing happening...
If you move a lonely queen in an area containing a lonely enemy base it counts as engaging a battle for the sake of the limit of 1 battle per mobilize order. Thus I would interprete the card as you transform that lonely base into an infested one - it makes alot of sense too.
Yet, someone who follows the rules to the letter would be right to declare you need a battle w/ skirmishes etc... But considering how rare a zerg player can get an infested base, it wouldn't be abused to let him have it.
I think that makes sense.
Does Inf. Command Center have Lift-Off ability? I dont have Broodwar yet and I didnt find anything about it. I am just asking because in pc version it has.
There has to be a battle to infest just like collateral damage and the infested command center does not have lift off in the board game.
There has to be a battle to make the command center, I agree with that. Just with Collateral Damage. But if moving a unit to an undefeanded base does not count as a battle, and you can start only one battle per mobilize order, then you should be able to move one unit to the undefended base area and a group of units to one with enemy units in the same mobilize order.
page 23 of the book
Players use Mobilize orders to move their units to, and/or
among, the areas of the active planet. If the active player
moves any of his units into an area on the active planet con-
taining enemy units, a battle will ensue after the movement
is complete.
transport) his units into any number of empty or friendly
areas on the active planet, but only into one enemy area.
blarknob said:
page 23 of the book
Players use Mobilize orders to move their units to, and/or
among, the areas of the active planet. If the active player
moves any of his units into an area on the active planet con-
taining enemy units, a battle will ensue after the movement
is complete.
transport) his units into any number of empty or friendly
areas on the active planet, but only into one enemy area.
What you written seems correct to me. But I have to say that our table agreed to play like Railarians Group. As you only can get an infested cc very rarely we decided to count the base vs. queen as a battle so an empty base can be converted. We agreed to this, cause:
1) Every queen could logically infest a commanc center when nobody is defending it. Who wants to hinder it?
2) Like mentioned above it is very rare to get an infested cc and with this minor changing of rules it is a little bit more possible to get one.
3) After some games we saw that this changing of rules doesn't interfere with the balancing.
4) If you move a lonely queen in an area containing a lonely enemy base it counts towards the limit of 1 moving in an enemy area per mobilize order.
Sorry I'm form germany, so I understand english but my grammar and chosen words are bad.
Food for thought: In the computer game, it's not possible for a sole Queen to infest a command center, since the command center has to be in the red health region (lowest third) for an infestation to be possible. A Queen and a Zergling could do it though (although it'd take some time).
And for those house ruling this (which I can well understand, don't get me wrong): Do you house rule collateral damage to work the same? After all, a Siege Tank standing in a base will destroy it, enemy units or not
haslo said:
Food for thought: In the computer game, it's not possible for a sole Queen to infest a command center, since the command center has to be in the red health region (lowest third) for an infestation to be possible. A Queen and a Zergling could do it though (although it'd take some time).
And for those house ruling this (which I can well understand, don't get me wrong): Do you house rule collateral damage to work the same? After all, a Siege Tank standing in a base will destroy it, enemy units or not
Using the same logic with the house rules seige tank destroys base collateral even if no defenders, as who's going to stop it? Of course unless enemy counter attacks seige tank destroys it in regrouping phase anyway....
Anyways if you leave a base undefended your probably not playing the game right....