When I bought the game last Christmas I took an immediate liking to both Stark and Greyjoy as these are my 2 favorite houses in the books. The first 2 expansions I purchased were LoW and KotS. Unfortunately I've found that I suck at deck building with both of these houses and eventually branched out into other houses. Any pointers on what makes a good Stark or Greyjoy deck? I have all the cards.
Help with my Stark / Greyjoy builds
bbleers said:
Any pointers on what makes a good Stark deck?
Siege of Winterfell.
What kind of theme are you going for for each House? Joust or Melee?
Joust. I've tried Siege of Winterfell and it's certainly fun to play but none of my Stark decks have been very effective.
There's a bunch of decklists for strong Stark and GJ builds over on agotcards, which have done well at Stahleck and other tourneys recently. You could use those for inspiration:
Also, I'll be bold enough to direct you to my own GJ deck:
Some more thoughts about the building of this deck can be found here:
Thank you sir. I'll give that a look