Battle Lore Lot For Sale

By EasyEight2, in Battlelore

Purchased but never played is a set of BattleLore miniatures boardgame sets:

BattleLore (French re-purposed, but with English language cards and a professionally printed set of color English language rules)



Horrific Horde

Code of Chivalry

Call to Arms

I'd like to sell them as a single lot and would take $160 USD, which includes shipping to the lower 48 States in the US. Please PM me here or email me at jcunningham9 AT yahoo DOT com.

Thanks for looking!

Though I've never heard anything negative about it, I see so many used copies of this for sale that I wonder if its any good...

It's good - and $160 is a fair price for that lot.

For my money, only problem with BL is that it isn't everything it could be (additional races, more advanced/integrated Call to Arms deployment system, campaign system, etc.). Plenty of game as is, and certainly on par with any of the other Commands & Colors games.