Ok this almost came up during a game where one of my players who is a psyker attempted to use a touch of madness on a Guardsman character. Now the reasons for this were increadibly stupid and was mainly due to the fact that the psyker wanted to go to bed when he had been ordered to go somewhere. OOC the player thought the guardsman would punch him or something totally forgetting what he had just read in the Imperial Infantrymans Uplifting Primer just a few hours before about what to do with a psyker who acts odd, shoot him. So the guardman player passed the willpower check to resist and now aware of the activity promptly brought up his lasgun and put 3 holes in him and killing him instantly.
The player dicided to burn a fate point as the guardman then informed a senior Inquisitorial Agent who heard the shots and came to investige of the psykers attack. Of course the senior agent sided with the guardman who was well within his rights to execute the psyker. At that point we all realised that the psykers character was unplayable as the group would never accept him back so he rolled up a new character. I made the fate point stand so the character is still alive and I want to think up something interesting for him. The thing is what if the player hadn't agreed that this was an unplayable situation for the character and wanted to play on, im sure I could have come up with some way around it in this case but im sure there are cases where just spending a fate point wont be sufficent to allow the character to play on.
How would you deal with something like this, would you rewind time or perhaps just have the rest of the group act as though nothing was different or simply force the player to roll up a new character. I am curiuos to know in case this comes up again.