
By McRae, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Ok I know I ask like 500 questions a day, and I'm sorry for that.

Talia's hero ability allows her to move before or after making her guard attack. Can she utilize this even if there is nothing to attack so as to gain extra movement?

Copies from the old forum:

Re: Regarding Tahlia and web/moving during OLs tur
Reply #13 - 01/30/07 at 06:53:23
Quote from Lorien on 01/30/07 at 06:31:00:
Let me get this straight:

Say Talia has a melee weapon equipped. She can use her guard order without any monster being adjacent the her and without being able to legally attack, just because her special ability allows her to possibly move into range of a monster before attacking.

Is the attack mandatory for her to get the movement? So can she just discard her guard and move to town without attacking anything?

Anyone can 'use' their guard order anytime they want to on the OL's turn. They don't have to have a legal attack to do so, they can just waste it. Tahlia is only different in that it actually matters for her.

The attack is not mandatory, merely the expenditure of the guard order.

-Kevin Wilson
Fantasy Flight Games

So yes, Tahlia can spend her Guard order without attacking to gain movement points. Remember that anything that increases her speed will come into action here, like Tiger Tattoo and Swift.

This reponse should probably get added to the Gathered List of Answered Questions thread.