who trumps who ....?

By Last Messiah, in Rules Discussions

if there is a wakka in play and a Lv.1 pooh in play, does wakka get his effect and make a single player alone have 1 power, or, does pooh over power the wakka and say no matter what both players have 0 power?

or, is it a matter of who ever played the latter of the two cards takes effect?

Last Messiah said:

if there is a wakka in play and a Lv.1 pooh in play, does wakka get his effect and make a single player alone have 1 power, or, does pooh over power the wakka and say no matter what both players have 0 power?

or, is it a matter of who ever played the latter of the two cards takes effect?

"Winnie the Pooh lvl 1" just lowers original Atk values to zero, "Wakka" gives a boost so the Player with "Wakka" would have an Atk value of one.