New possible hameplay: Perks!

By SuffNorgh, in Red November

Hi everyone! Right after the first game I played this fun game I got a thought: what if gnomes have perks or personalities? So I just started to make some of them and now I have created 43 perks! I'd like to share these for you players and have some feedback about them (like overpowered, useless etc.). All I have to say about them that I haven't tried "Grazed Gnomes" rules yet with my friends yet so they might be too helpful.


  • You can pick one or two cards to the gnomes (playing with three cards is untested)
  • ”Crazed Gnomes” rules are marked in *stars*. If you are playing with normal rules, throw away the cards which have stars on their titles.
  • There can be only one captain. If someone draws another captain card, he/she discards it and draws another card.
  • These two cards can’t be on same gnome:

Sticky Finger & Galoot

Liver of Steel & Teetotal

Master of X & Lack of Education (on same thing)

Strong Gnome & Feedle

Hoarder & *Store Gnome*

Religious & *Psyker*

Boozer & Teetotal

Master of Missile/Reactor & Radiophobia

If the some player gets one of those pairings, player shuffles the drawn card back to the deck and draws another card.


Bright Specimen
Does all actions in 3 minutes.

Liver of Steel
Can drink first bottle of Grog without intoxicating.

Gets two intoxication points from the first Grog.

Gnome will freeze for 5 minutes when Kraken arrives.

Frog gnome
Can get through a room with low water without losing time.

Can get through fire filled rooms but can’t extinguish fire without items.

Collects one bonus item when getting them from rooms 8&10
*Crazed Gnomes: Can take one item without showing it to the Store gnome.*

Master of Reactor
+2 bonus on fixing the Reactor.

Master of Oxygen pump
+2 bonus on fixing the Oxygen pump.

Master of Engine
+2 bonus on fixing the Engine.

Master of Missile
+2 bonus on fixing the Missile.

Strong gnome
+2 bonus for fixing Hatches.
*Crazed gnomes: can defend itself without items.*

On “Stumble” gnome loses all its items. On “Turbulence” and “Friendly Fire” gnome discards its item cards to two.

Gnome drinks Grog immediately on its turn. If the Grog is picked in Update Phase, it will be consumed on next turn.
*Crazed Gnomes: Gnome will attack other gnome immediately in the same room after consuming the Grog.*

Lack of Education
+2 extra minutes on fixing the Reactor.

Lack of Education
+2 extra minutes on fixing the Oxygen pump.

Lack of Education
+2 extra minutes on fixing the Engine.

Lack of Education
+2 extra minutes on fixing the Missile.

On ”Respite” gnome can pray to lose one intoxication point or ignore next Event Marker.
Throwing 3 loses one intoxication point.
Throwing 6 ignores the next Event Marker

Merchant Gnome
Trading items takes no time.

Being stuck in room where’s no way out, gnome will panic for 5 minutes.

Sticky Fingers
On Hand Limit Events gnome will save one extra item.

Proper Captain
Gives gnomes in same room +1 bonus to their actions.

Wretched Captain
Gives gnomes in same room +1 extra minute to their actions.

Can’t go in rooms 4&7, if there is no one in there.

Weak Stomach
Gets only +1 bonus from Grog

Not so lucky
Lucky charms will ignore two Event markers.

+2 extra minutes on fixing Hatches.
*Crazed Gnomes: Wins fights only by throwing 8 or more.*

Tight Lungs
When the Asphyxiation Track Marker crosses the second star, gnome will get +1 extra minute in its actions.

When the Heat Track Marker crosses the second star, gnome will get +1 extra minute in its actions.

Underpressure sensitive
When the Pressure Track Marker crosses the second star gnome will get +1 extra minute in its actions

*Store Gnome*
Being in room 8 during other gnome's turn, Store gnome can look what items other gnome is picking.

On “Respite” gnome can use its psychic powers to see what item other gnome has. This can be achieved by throwing 3 or less.

*Fire spirit*
Gnome can defend itself without items if some of the neighbouring room is on fire.

*Zonko’ut Master*
As fainted, gnome will attack any gnome who passes the room. However, gnomes in the same room at the moment of fainting won't be attacked unless they leave the room and return.

Once in a turn, if player throws 5 or more, gnome can steal one item from other gnome in same the room. Failure will end the turn.

Gnome can defend itself without items in a room which has low water.

Quite big post for the first =D

Alright! 'tis update time! I finally made PDF-version of this game variant. You can now print and cut the cards to add some neat (or disasterous) flavor in the game. There is also the Finnish version of this! Mahtavaa!

I'll add the change log soon.

English version:

Finnish version:

I also want to thank my friend and my gf in translations.

Alright. Got bit late but here it is:


•Has now print-n-cut quality!
•Also in Finnish (jumankauta!)
•Added 7 perks more
•Added more description on Tentaclephobia
•Added more not-working pairings.
•Weak Stomach has now +2 bonus.