International Tournament in Poland

By Fortep, in Warhammer Invasion Community

hello all

There is a big interest, after European Championship, to organize an international tournament. most players know that tournaments in Poland are very big (the bigest was 69 players), thats why is it natural place to organize such an event. polish players encouraged me to coordinate it and I have some questions which could help me.

what would encourage you to arrive to Poland for a big tournament?

what do you expect from such a tournament? (good prizes? nice place?)

which term is the best for you to arrive for such a tournament?

I would be grateful for any opinion. even from players who doesn,t want to be on this tournament.

Very good move Fortep, U made me proud ;-)))

maybe you should also make a topic in "organized play" and create some links to this topic ;-)))

Sign me in. Only some unexpected Spanish Inquisition could stop me from attending to this tournament gran_risa.gif


I am really eager to meet again internation players. I do believe that thanks to good connection via airplane to Gdansk with "cheap airlines" it wont be a problem for a strong company from Italy, France, Spain, Netherlands :)

It is so close to Germany that they cay come by car:)

For those who would come in Poland (or in another far country - I'm from France BTW), the main interest is not the size of the prize. For me, organizing this championship is good, but you need also to organize side-events, maybe a little more than the 3 sides of Stahleck, because people who cannot pass the TOP 16 or TOP 32, or the one not passing and having a BYE (so one match less), might like to play more games even though not winning.

That's the reason why I came to Stahleck. If there were no sides, or only sides I really don't like, I'm not sure I would have come for only one tournament.

I am from France too and if I come this would be for the same reason Bud has already given

- A place where I can play a lot, even if I don't do result in the main event. I would not want to come so as to play 5 or 6 rounds then go back to home. No matter my results I want to know that I will be able to play 2 full days. And if each event looks exciting it's even better ;) .

I'm also one from Gdansk gang and I'm also warmly inviting everybody to our Polish seaside... I'm pretty sure we can organize great event, with full of prizes and plenty of people eager to fight (I mean play :) ) against new blood on our game scene... Come to us, even with blue capitals :)

Regards, Colan

I also think that 1 tournament for such an event it is not enought. there will be propably 3-4 tournaments in different format.

Fortep said:

I also think that 1 tournament for such an event it is not enought. there will be propably 3-4 tournaments in different format.

I can help coordinate and play side-tournament in board game - Chaos in the Old World

Teokrata said:

I can help coordinate and play side-tournament in board game - Chaos in the Old World

AND/OR Neuroshima Hex but I don't know how many games we have in our community....

Fortep said:

It is so close to Germany that they cay come by car:)

Still a 750km trip from Hamburg :(

I would really like to play in such a tournament because I couldn't attend Stahleck because of unregular work schedule and lack of money for the month. Even if I didn't have any chances for placing high in the championship I was flashed when I first saw the side tournaments "driver not the car" and "nations cup". It looked really interesting and it's also something that we can't get to play because of the lack of a playerbase here. Such events can really motivate players to come. As far as I know from reading on this board there are some big whi communities in Italy and Poland and the players there play a lot each month. So if you live in a region where you only have 1-2 friends to play (4-5h once a week) it's sure that you don't compete for a top place. So it's attractive when you know there is a lot of whi gaming beside the main tournament.

Years ago I organised some tournaments for fighting games and some factors for players who travelled a long distance were: enough time to plan ahead (vacation days etc.), cheap accomodations (most liked to sleep at the venue when it was possible), time to play the game (at least friday to sunday, some even began on thursday) and nearby support of food and drink (supermarked, delivery service etc.). I guess price support in this game isn't that much important but I'm not sure how other players regard this. In my opinion the spread of prices should be large and cheap so that not only the top 3 get something really good while all the others go empty. Even playmats or regional-kit stuff would be cool because no shop here orders them.

hi i am from greece and really interested coming to a big tournament like this . next year we organize attending european championship .

the place the side events and the number of participants are 3 main reasons to make us think about going to polland for our beloved game.

hope to be there!!!


one of the such a big tournaments starts 25/FEB/2012.

I will be not an organizator, but I help as judge. the place is about 1,5h from Gdansk by car. if anybody needs transport from Gdansk, just write PM, i can help.

Someone is copying the Stahleck schedule. :D
If you run the car tournament, my advice is to run a swiss over the decks too, should provide fairer and more interesting pairings.

yes it is similar to Staleck. I was there and I think that tounamets were in very good formats. and yes, the pairings in NTCBTD tournament will be modified:P

Another Polish tournament with ambitions to become international:

Assault on Wroclaw 2012

There were 47 payers in Torun on Regional Championship 25/FEB/2012. Won Filku with his control Dark Elves. In Wroclaw there will be much more players. My "Black Ark" is going to be there:P It is the best occasion for foreign players to meet (last year the biggest event in Poland was on 69 players!!!)

if anybody need an information about tournament just write to me

EDIT: sorry for 2 posts