Hello, I had some questions about the rules. We really enjoy this game but wanted to make sure we were playing every this correctly.
1. When a hunter attacks a minion and the hunter escapes the minion stays where he/she is at. I was wondering does the actual chit stay on the location card and then it is removed after it drops off the trail or does the chit move from the trail to the board so hunters that come into that city have to battle the minion until the minion is killed. This would mean the minion stays in the city even after the card has dropped off the trail.
2. Unearthly Swiftness: Does is card take affect before the time keeping phase so Dracula will get to move twice for the card and then once more during his movement phase? The card says " Play this card at the start of your turn ....." so I am confused if this is before the time keeping phase since this is the start of the turn or the card is intended to allow drac to move twice during the movement phase only. I
3. Dracs hand limit. After reading the FAQ, Drac has an opportunity to play an Event card before discarding down to his limit. The FAQ states: The Dracula player has an oportunity to play and Event card before discarding. When Dracula draws a fifth "Keep" card, if he has a card that he can legally play play at the moment, then he may play it. What cards would be legal? Every event card that I have for Drac says "Play this card at the start of your turn, play at the start of combat, play when a hunter attempts to catch a train, etc.