Killing lone Scouts gives reward?yes,no?

By Grunok, in Sid Meier's Civilization: The Board Game

I know that killing a lone scout is not dangerous, but is it rewardable? Since scouts transport good, do they give up any? I understand they do if accompanied by an army, but what if they are alone? Realistically, they should give the goods they are carrying to the attacker. Easy pickins. Anybody know how to handle this kind of situation?

There are no tangible rewards for eliminating a lone scout. The main purpose of doing so is to deprive your opponent of this useful resource-gathering mechanic and possibly claim that space for yourself (with your own scout). At the very least, you force your opponent to give up some production time building a new scout.

K, Thank you.

I figured it would be an easy question to answer, and that's even the way I've been playing so far. I guess I was OVERthinking it.

Actually, you do get loot for killing a lone scout. It's on p18 of the rulebook:

"Enemy Figures

Scouts cannot enter a square containing enemy figures. If
an army enters a square containing any enemy figures, its
movement immediately ends. If the square contains only enemy
scouts, the scouts are immediately killed and the attacking player
collects loot as though they had won a battle (see page 25). If
the square contains at least one enemy army, a battle occurs (see
page 23). If the square contains a mix of both enemy armies and
scouts, a battle occurs, but if the losing side in the battle has any
scouts in the square, they are killed along with the armies; loot is
then collected as normal."

allenkwest said:

"Enemy Figures

Scouts cannot enter a square containing enemy figures. If
an army enters a square containing any enemy figures, its
movement immediately ends. If the square contains only enemy
scouts, the scouts are immediately killed and the attacking player
collects loot as though they had won a battle (see page 25). If
the square contains at least one enemy army, a battle occurs (see
page 23). If the square contains a mix of both enemy armies and
scouts, a battle occurs, but if the losing side in the battle has any
scouts in the square, they are killed along with the armies; loot is
then collected as normal."

Does this also mean you can get a coin onto Code of Laws by killing a scout, since you get rewarded like doing a battle?


You do get loot for killing a scout. But you don't get a coin for killing a scout because there is no battle occuring. It's in the uFAQ.

Even if you oppenent have like a +12 military bonus, and you attack a scout with 1 single army, so you have 3 units, let's say you have 3 power 2 units and no military bonus. If it was a battle, you will lose the figth (12 vs 6). But when you move on an ennemi scout, there is no battle occuring, so you do no count the military bonus and you win by forfeit.

On the other hand, if you attack an ennemy army, or a group of ennemy armies, or a group of ennemy armies and scout (on the same square), and your oppenent haves no more unit cards. A battle still occurs and the military bonus are counted. So if he haves +12 military bonus, and you only have 3 lvl 2 units for the battle, you will lose the figth (12 vs 6). He will get reward, he will get a coin if he haves code of laws, your figure will be destroyed, and he will not lose a single figure because he didn't lose cards. In the case where you win that battle, you get reward and a coin even if he don't have unit cards to play.

The overall rules is : a battle occurs when you have to count military bonus, power of each surviving troops, to decide the winner of the battle. This don't happen when you move army on a poor standing alone ennemi scout (or on 2 poor standing alone ennemi scouts).