I would like some help with some deck ideas

By SeanXor, in Warhammer Invasion Deck Building


I have some preliminary ideas for decks that I want to try and make. I know that several of you have a much better grasp on this game than me, so before i started deck building I wanted to get some guidance. Please let me know what ideas you have to make these decks work. Thanks!

1. I have noticed that there are several order cards, especially Empire and High Elf that make the opponent take cards back into their hands. Any ideas on how to build a deck around that theme?

2. I really like the Scout ability to discard cards and control an opponents hand. I know hand control has been more focused as a dark elf ability, but is there a way to make an order deck that has at least a secondary focus on hand control?

3. It may just their aesthetic design, but I like the wood elves. Any ideas on an effective deck design that highlights the wood elves?

4. I know it is just because I like the artwork, but I want to find a good use for the card steam tank. Any ideas?

Thanks a lot!

1. HEs don't have much of a unit control actually. There best card in that sense, IMHO, is Flames of Phoenix (returns all units in play). Banish is nice but a bit expensive (3 cost to return 1 unit). You can also try adding Pilgrimage(Neutral) to that, but that's as far as you can get, I think. (Plus, Skinks of Sotek, but those are Neutral and just kill a 1HP unit and are used in a lot of Order decks anyway). So, you can try building a deck with small amount of weak units (just to place here and there and boost your KZ/QZ power), stack of locations and use Flames of Phoenix as a control every 2-3 turns, while building up your Indirect Damage through Outpost of Tiranoc, Loremasters of Hoerth, From Beneath The Waves. Plus Judgement of Loec, Envoy to Averlorn, High Elf's Disdain/Drain Magic.

Empire is much smoother in this sense, since it has Called Back, Forced March, Osterknacht Elite, Mastering the Spell (all either moving units around or returning them back to hand) for either only 2 resources of "free" (in Osterknacht case). Plus one of the best cards Empire has(=)), Verena. And Skinks again. So if you can have all those cards and have fun with your opponent (Disclaimer: The best Empire build right now is slightly different from your idea, since it just uses the concept of destroying everything your opponent has in a first place=). As an extra bonus (if you choose Empire) you can have Rodrick's Riders in your deck, which blows up a target support card when it comes to play.