Does this represent a change in FFG policy?

By TylerTT, in Android

So I think the way FFG handled the information about this game and it's timing to it's release, possibly represents a shift in how FFG will be handling information going forward.

Personaly I think it's smart to hold your information, because the difference in a product released on time and one delayed for years is simply in just how you handle the information about the game.

I'm looking forward to see how the anouncment hype translates to sales.

I enjoyed watching the ARG unfold, it would be cool if they could find a way to do this for 2-3 big releases a year.

I cannot believe this will be published "on time." I liked the pre-game "mystery"; however, toward the end it just got too cryptic. I think they chose the right time to "reveal" the game as the marketing scheme was getting a bit annoying toward the end.

Still, I'd like to see some rules before buying. Plus, I don't think it is better than getting the game out there at cons and such so that we can see some pre-release game reports or reviews. Contrast the marketing for this game to BSG. I felt that BSG got a lot more hype with just a traditional marketing approach. Plus, it was clear what the game was going to be like as so many got a chance to play it and write about it before it was officially released.

Hmm...from a little more exploring on the web it does look like this will be released on about two or three weeks! I have to say, though, if their marketing scheme was meant to convince me to buy the game sight unseen it failed. Usually, with FFG games, what convinces me to buy the game is to see the rules and read some session reports or reviews. I also like to be able to "pre-order" once I've made up my mind to ensure I get the game as soon as it comes out (unless my order is waiting on other pre-orders!) Not so with this game...

I am kinda torn by this new approach, on one hand I like knowing years in advance what’s coming and watching it develop. However this will probably get to me in a month and between now and then FFG still has plenty of time to release information about it. Either way just based on the theme I am in. It will be interesting to see if this is a new trend from them.

rcmoore said:

Usually, with FFG games, what convinces me to buy the game is to see the rules and read some session reports or reviews. I also like to be able to "pre-order" once I've made up my mind to ensure I get the game as soon as it comes out (unless my order is waiting on other pre-orders!) Not so with this game...

There's still plenty of time for the rules to be posted until mid-December, I guess.

In my opinion the way FFG has walked with hyping "Android" will not increase the sell number of the game. So they will do the math for their next release and decide if the greater work input is worth the effort. It would be cool to get a statement of a FFG employee about the numbers after the release of Android!

I prefer to know about a game, if it is available. The other ways are frustrating.

zwobot said:

In my opinion the way FFG has walked with hyping "Android" will not increase the sell number of the game. So they will do the math for their next release and decide if the greater work input is worth the effort. It would be cool to get a statement of a FFG employee about the numbers after the release of Android!

I disagree. I personally don't go looking for new games very much. If something about a game grabs my interest, then I will start investigating. If Android had simply appeared on FFG's website with an announcement that "we just released this game", I probably would just skip over it.

The trailer video might have peaked my interest, but it wouldn't have been as good, imo, without some of the earlier "clues".

So I think that it will help their sales numbers a little; just by making people more aware and curious about the game.

gschmidl said:

There's still plenty of time for the rules to be posted until mid-December, I guess.

And they certainly will be according to Kevin Wilson as stated in another thread.

I'm not sure why you'd think they'd do this on a regular basis. The whole part about the secret company being, well, super secretive was because that's part of the game. They only did it the way they did because it was "relevant". The only other time they'd do something like this is if they did a game based on ULTRA or something like that and they keep providing "clues" about the game that they've smuggled or somesuch. I assure you, you don't need to worry about FFG springing another suprise on us like this for a good long time.

That being said, I think they did a really good job with the Android marketing. After reading the rants section, I honestly did think that FFG got bought out by some Japanese super company that would slowly turn FFG from a boardgame company into a producer of who know's what?

Well done FFG!

I would like to know more about a game coming out mid-December as I try to get my X-mas game orders in by the end of November at least, and I wont buy this game, however intriguing it may appear, without a better idea of what it is.

i don't think FFG will be doing a ARG for their games (maybe a few) but mostly that they will keep less time between announcing that they are working on a game and the release of the game.

Reign of Power says things will probably be staying as they were... ;)

jogo said:

I prefer to know about a game, if it is available. The other ways are frustrating.

How can you be frustrated by something you don't know about?

If you know that a game will be there, you would like to have, but this will not happen in near time.

I usually stick to what I know (Fantasy Flight being one of those things, though I digress), but this game now that it's fully revealed has my attention. I don't know if Viral marketing and ARGs really spark my fancy, though. I mean... it seems like a lot of work for something that you might not be interested in in the first place.