some info please

By monk, in Rune Age


I'm looking into buying this game but have a question before I buy it.

When the game brings out expansions do you think they will be generic cards that will be used to boost the core set (plus cards for armies already in the core set), or will they bring out individual expansions for each army? I wouldn't like the idea of having seperate expansions for each army as if you are the only one in your gaming group to own the game you'd have to buy the seperate expansions for all armies to make if fair...does that make sense?


I've not read anything official, but as far as I'm aware, there are no expansions for such Silver Line games as Rune Age.

I would speculate, though, based on Runewars/Banners of War, if they do bring out an expansion, it will be one box featuring units for each of the four races. Banners of War has only added two units to each race, so releasing these separately would be silly, in my view, as you'd only be talking about 6 to 10 cards for each one, really. But that's just me!