In my next session my cell of acolytes will be sent to infiltrate a wasteland mutant community to gather some intel. One problem is, they have just been worked up into a "kill the mutant" frenzy by a high ranking imperial priest. While among the mutants (who are not chaos followers, just unfortunates mutated by generations of pollution) I'm going to try to make them see the humanity of the poor dregs. Just to see if they'll stick to the good old party line.
Then after I've made the muties as sympathetic as possible, I'm going to see if the returning acolytes join in the "kill the mutant" crusade or try to stop it. If they decide to go along, then at some point I'm going to stick them facing a room full of mutie non-combatants (old people and little kids). If they're good Imperials, they'll just toss a grenade in or flamer the place. If they're decent human being they won't.
No particular goal on my part other than to see which way the characters go on this, and which ones make what decision.
Any thoughts?