The rules state that in the event that the game ends due to the influece pool being drained, then the baron with the most influence points wins. If there is a tie, the baron with the most cities wins. It is not clear in the wording of the rules whether this means that the baron with the most cities out of the "tied" barons is the winner, or the baron with the most cities regardless of their influence. In our latest game, two barons were tied for influence whereas I had the most cities even though I had the least influence. Who wins? Thanks.
Victory Conditions Clarification
Now that you mention it, it isn't clear....
To me, it would make sense that only tied Barons could have the chance to win with that condition. However, the rules state that "the Baron who controls the most cities wins". It doesn't say, "considering only the tied Barons....", so i would apply this rule to every Baron.
I think there is another condition that can clarify this a bit better (same paragraph): "...then the Baron with the most troops on the board wins". This is the last possible victory condition presented. As you can see, it states "on the board", which means that the strongest Baron in play wins, whether it was eligible to win according to other victory conditions or not. So, applying the same procedure to the other conditions, i would apply every victory condition to everyone
In the end, i think that every time there's a draw, the following condition applies to everyone. It's not sequential.
So, in your game, you would be the winner:)
hope it helped