
By Commissar Mcballin, in Deathwatch House Rules

So Games Workshop has just released the new Necron Gen and right now i am doing a custom camp involving necs my squad is well prepared for this challenge, (at least i think) i was hoping someone with some skill at creating stats to create stats for the Necron overlord. Is supposed to be a buffed up version of a Normal lord and well i have not found any pages of nec except in Black Crusade and they don't have lord stats but i do have a good amount on what there traits and talents are.

If you have any ideas for Powers, weapons, or personal stats throw them my way.

I have listed some of my homebrew necron stats here:

I have just gotten the new Necron Codex and am strongly considering statting out all the new types of Necron since this is actually the happiest I have been with Matt Ward's work and I would say that on balance I am for the changes he has made, but I have not statted anything yet, since my killteam is deep in the Acheros Salient fighting the forces of Chaos at the moment.

But to repost the Necron Lord I made up before the new codex:

Necron Lord (Master)
WS BS S T Ag Int Per WP Fel
(10) (12)
85 65 65 68 46 50 55 65 –-
Movement: 5/10/15/30 Wounds: 75
Skills: Awareness (Per) +20, Climb (S), Dodge (Ag) +10, Tech-Use (Int) +20.
Talents: Combat Master, Swift Attack, Talented (Tech-Use), Mighty Blow, True Grit, Ferric Summons, Lightning Attack, Crushing Blow, Crack Shot, Marksman, Precise Blow, Blademaster, Wall of Blades, Step Aside, Preternatural Speed, Paranoia
Traits: Auto-stabilised, Dark Sight, Fear (3), Improved Natural Weapons, Armor Plated [8], Natural Weapons (Bladed Claws), Size (Hulking), The Stuff of Nightmares, Unnatural Strength (4), Unnatural Toughness (6), Machine [6], Necron, Skeletal Frame, Regeneration [10]
Armour: All 14
Weapons: Bladed Claws (1d10+14 R; Pen 8), Staff of Light (2d10+14 R; Pen 9, Tearing, Volatile, Gauss, Fast) with built-in Particle Projector (45m S/2/5; 3d10+8 E; Pen 12; Clip Unlimited; Tearing) or a freezing attack that functions much like a cryo grenade (4d10+6 E; Blast 10, Snare 3) Any enemy that suffers damage from the attack or is snared must make an Arduous (–40) Toughness Test to resist the searing pain as they are splashed with the freezing chemical gel. Those who pass their Toughness Test weather the attack, and receive no further damage. Those who fail continue to take 2d10 Toughness Damage for 1d5 rounds as the gel slowly loses its potency and eventually becomes inert. If a being is reduced to 0 Toughness by a cryo grenade, they are killed and their corpse is frozen solid.
Gear: Necron Lords can carry a number of these arcane items.
Chronometron: seems to affect the time-space continuum, enabling Necrons to act faster relative to their opponents. All Necrons within 50 meters gain an additional full action per round for 1d5 rounds.
Disruption Field: can be carried by troops other than the Lords, Disruption Fields penetrate vehicular armour in close combat in the same manner as a Gauss weapon.
Destroyer Body: Necron Lords are sometimes fused to the same hover platforms found in Necron Destroyers, granting them increased durability and agility.
Gaze of Flame: Some Necron Lords possess a malign presence so powerful that any being in the galaxy hesitates before engaging one in hand to hand combat. This effectively steals the momentum of any charges made towards the Lord. Enemies retain none of the bonuses they normally gain from charging and the Necron Lord's fear rating increases by 1.
Lightning Field: generate arcs of unearthly energy that surround the Lord and nearby troops. Enemies engaging in melee combat will be subject to this harmful energy every time they strike someone protected by the Lightning Field. Any melee attack or being within melee range of a Necron within 20m of the field at the end of their turn grants an automatic hit with the lightning field (2d10+5 E; Pen 5; Tearing, Volatile, Gauss)
Nightmare Shroud: taps into the minds of nearby enemies, inspiring terror and breaking their will to fight. Treat all Necrons as Fear [4] and enemies must reroll any tests to resist its effects and take the worse result.
Phase Shifter: makes the Necron Lord incorporeal, so he seems ghost-like. While under the protection of a Phase Shifter, even the most powerful attacks may pass harmlessly through his indistinct and hazy body. Grants the Necron Lord the Phase and Wraith strike traits and a Necrontyr Phase Generator (field strength 70)
Phylactery: is worn by the Necron Lords as a charm. It is filled with countless spider-like nanobots which will swarm all over the Necron Lord to repair him if he sustains heavy damage. Grants a +30 to any toughness test to recover lethal damage and +5 to the Necron Lord's Regeneration trait.
Resurrection Orb: These orbs somehow enhance the self-repair systems of nearby Necrons, enabling them to recover from even the most devastating attacks. Grants a +30 to any toughness test to recover lethal damage to all fallen Necrons within 100m.
Solar Pulse: is integrated into the staff of the Lord. When triggered, it releases a flash of blinding light. This intense light can be used to illuminate the entire battlefield when fighting in darkness, or the Lord may use it to stun and blind the enemy army. Reveals all concealed enemy forces or can be used to inflict a Punishing (-50) toughness test or be blinded for one round plus one round for every degree of failure. Devices that normally grant immunity to blindness do not help as this Necron artifact overwhelms machine sight as ably as biological sight.
Veil of Darkness: is the pinnacle of Necron technology. The Veil of Darkness can instantaneously transport both the Lord and nearby troops to anywhere on the battlefield. Other than striking at the back of the enemy lines, this artifact can also be used to escape from difficult close combat situations as the Necrons will simply vanish right under the nose of enemy combatants. Grants the Teleport (10) trait to the Necron Lord and those within sight of him.

Did they change the necron awakening timeline in this newest codex? I realize that we're got some initial necron stats in The Emp Protects but I thought the timeline DW is officially set in is before the general necron awakening or even acknowledgement by the imperium. No big deal as you can just have the DW consider them to be some xenos life form specific to Jericho Reach or just play in a more advanced time setting.

I set the crusade later, myself, but yes, not a big deal.

Sanguinary Priest said:

Did they change the necron awakening timeline in this newest codex? I realize that we're got some initial necron stats in The Emp Protects but I thought the timeline DW is officially set in is before the general necron awakening or even acknowledgement by the imperium. No big deal as you can just have the DW consider them to be some xenos life form specific to Jericho Reach or just play in a more advanced time setting.

I've set my campaign period during the Awakening of the Necrons and the Inquisitions interest in figuring who/what they are.

I've moved my timeline forward to the present day in 40K. Had to borrow a friend's copy of Black Crusade to get the necron stats. I wish they had just put them into the Xenos book for completeness.

I used the basic stats in BC to make my necrons... However I made it so that the average necron warrior's rifle does 3d10+10 to represent the sheer amount of FU coming your way. I would suggest tailoring your necrons to suit your KT. Mine is shooty mostly so I figured necrons vs shooty marines = profit. Do what you think works. Also love the Necron Lord profile listed. Used it in the last game and he caused many a headache.