Warhammer Invasio Collection for sale /trade

By Apocalypse3, in Warhammer Invasion Community

All cards and most tokens from 3 Starters, 3 Assault on Ulthuan, 3 each of the first 6 Monthly expansions (the corruption cycle).

All cards well kept in foldersleeves and sorted by card number. I also have one or two copies of each home city plate. I leave the country for good and would like to sell them, I know its used cards, so I am open for a reasonable offer,


Are you willing to split the lot?

i would be interested in all Empire cards.

contact me on daniello_s@o2.pl



I'd split the lot if someone else was interested in the rest - otherwise my problem persists pretty much ;(

I know I am talking more than 400$ retail and still more than 300 from Coolstuffinc, but I don't expect to make a fortune on them, so you might consider getting the whole bunch and trade for future cards - after all any future booster you buy will have cards for all factions anyway.

I have a friend who's interested. If they're still available, I'll try to get a price/estimate and see if it'll work for you.

I am interested and have PayPal if you still have the cards.