Any chance of more old ones? and WOW Those numbers are small

By twthomas, in Elder Sign: Omens

I love this game almost more than the actual dice game but I didn't know it would only have one foe. Any chance of an add-on or patch for more?

Also, I have fairly decent eyesight but the number on the investigator dice are way too small for comfort on the iPhone. Wonder if enough people as they would consider making the numbers a little larger?

Agreed about the dice being WAY too small on the iPhone. I keep trying to zoom in to see them (it doesn't work of course preocupado.gif ).

Ruskicowboy said:

Agreed about the dice being WAY too small on the iPhone. I keep trying to zoom in to see them (it doesn't work of course preocupado.gif ).

The numbers look fine on my Mac. gran_risa.gif So hopefully, they won't change the pics in the HD version. Pity they didn't test it on various small screen phones before publishing.

Yeah, they Mac version is great (I have both).

More Old Ones! This is ridiculous...

more old ones please, also be nice to get allies back as well.. but GOOs are so important.. boggels the mind they were not included

I concur! While I love Azathoth, I've been having the strangest dreams about being devoured but another great Old One...