unknown token - double sided document

By pumpkin, in Tannhauser

I've been sorting through some of my tokens and doing some organising and I've come across a token that looks like a document, which is on both sides of the token, except on one side the bottom right has a small black square on it (but to be honest that could just be a printing issue).

I simply can't work out what it is - it was in with a collection of scenario specific tokens, so i think it must be to do with a scenario but i can't work out which one.

I have most expansions except the new Shogunate stuff, if that helps someone identify it!

Any ideas?

From your description, I'd guess that its the document token which comes with Yula - look at the back of her (classic) rulebook by her Mental challenge and you'll see a small picture of it. FFG did not make use of the token for her challenges in the Revised Game, so its basically an extra token now, as far as I know.

Rhydderch said:

From your description, I'd guess that its the document token which comes with Yula - look at the back of her (classic) rulebook by her Mental challenge and you'll see a small picture of it. FFG did not make use of the token for her challenges in the Revised Game, so its basically an extra token now, as far as I know.

that's the fella!

Mystery over!

Thanks alot, I was scouring all the various books for scenarios, but didn't check challenges very closely as I never really play with them.