My party just used knockpack to skip a hero over a particular monster I was using to keep them from getting into a room. I couldn't find anywhere that said this was illegal, but it felt questionable since it would be an easy way over traps, obstacles, ect. Can anyone help me here?
Knockback as a means of transportation
From the gathered list of answererd questions thread...
Heroes can attack one another. However, the only way they can "limit" their damage is by opting not to spend surges or by spending power enhancement results on range rather than damage. (Or by Aiming, I suppose.) If you roll seven hearts on the red and green die, that's still seven damage dealt to your buddy...
Also, note that knockback does not give anyone MP. It simply throws the target around. The subject can't use the knockback move to, for example, drink a potion.
One last comment: when the hero "comes to rest" after a knockback, he's a valid target for Crushing Block, Pit Trap, Aura damage, pit obstacle damage, and similar effects, so this is a very risky maneuver for a low-health subject.
Nope can not help you there since it is very legal. I do have two comments:
1) a hero (or anybody else) can not target his own square unless stated otherwise (ie. the curse thing from the OL-deck) which means at least the guy who knocks the other ones can not move himself in this way.
2) It is nowhere as near as powerfull as telekinesis. I tend to think of knockback as a fixed telekinesis and just think of how bad it would be if they had the real thing.
Hope it helps
btw. The thing about not being able to hit yourself I got from the "Gathered list of answered questions" Which means it is not really official.
Its completely legal, but it is risky.
a) You stand a decent chance of severly damaging your own partner.
b) You've opened that player to Traps and other effects from the OL. As OL I would be saying every "empty space" trigger Trap card I had and waited on this to happen and just nail the person when they came through.
It does have the advantage over Telekenesis in that you can go over obstacles and through monsters with this, which I don't think you can do with TK.
I'm now having visions from my childhood comic book days of the Colossus/Wolverine Fastball Special.
Dr. Yick said:
Nope can not help you there since it is very legal. I do have two comments:
1) a hero (or anybody else) can not target his own square unless stated otherwise (ie. the curse thing from the OL-deck) which means at least the guy who knocks the other ones can not move himself in this way.
2) It is nowhere as near as powerfull as telekinesis. I tend to think of knockback as a fixed telekinesis and just think of how bad it would be if they had the real thing.
Hope it helps
Um...actually you can totally attack yourself. I'm not sure if the "curse thing" from the OL deck you are referring to is Dark Charm, but this card is something that makes us know that you can attack yourself. The same rules for limiting damage with enhancements and surges not being spent for damage apply, but you totally could do this to move yourself...and up to three spaces (remember: knockback gives you the choice of up to 3 spaces..and you "fly over" the first two. As Remy pointed out, you can't do this with Telekinesis. In this way, and since it costs no fatigue, it's in many ways considerably more powerful than telekinesis...but riskier (at the cost of wounds). I would also question a melee attack using a power enhancement to "add range" to an attack...but I guess I would allow it to be done that way.
Realistically, I would say this would be much more handy (and less risky) for a Mage with a regular mage staff and the appropriate skill (water pact, I believe...) since max damage here is 4 (3 on white die plus 1 on yellow) and you can do it from further away. Do that to a tank with 4 armor, and you can conceivably get some major advantages at practically no cost (other than an attack not being used to slay a monster).
Feanor said:
Dr. Yick said:
Nope can not help you there since it is very legal. I do have two comments:
1) a hero (or anybody else) can not target his own square unless stated otherwise (ie. the curse thing from the OL-deck) which means at least the guy who knocks the other ones can not move himself in this way.
2) It is nowhere as near as powerfull as telekinesis. I tend to think of knockback as a fixed telekinesis and just think of how bad it would be if they had the real thing.
Hope it helps
Um...actually you can totally attack yourself. I'm not sure if the "curse thing" from the OL deck you are referring to is Dark Charm, but this card is something that makes us know that you can attack yourself. The same rules for limiting damage with enhancements and surges not being spent for damage apply, but you totally could do this to move yourself...and up to three spaces (remember: knockback gives you the choice of up to 3 spaces..and you "fly over" the first two. As Remy pointed out, you can't do this with Telekinesis. In this way, and since it costs no fatigue, it's in many ways considerably more powerful than telekinesis...but riskier (at the cost of wounds). I would also question a melee attack using a power enhancement to "add range" to an attack...but I guess I would allow it to be done that way.
Realistically, I would say this would be much more handy (and less risky) for a Mage with a regular mage staff and the appropriate skill (water pact, I believe...) since max damage here is 4 (3 on white die plus 1 on yellow) and you can do it from further away. Do that to a tank with 4 armor, and you can conceivably get some major advantages at practically no cost (other than an attack not being used to slay a monster).
That's not quite true. Normally, you can not attack yourself. Dark Charm is the exception to tha rule. The "List of Answered Questions" thread that he got that from ARE official answers to those questions. It a collection of email responses from KW and Dan Clark.
So unless you are under Dark Charm, you can not willing attack yourself to move yourself using a weapon with Knockback. So while you can legally attack another Hero to throw them with Knockback, you can't do it to yourself.
Dr. Yick said:
btw. The thing about not being able to hit yourself I got from the "Gathered list of answered questions" Which means it is not really official.